The 31 owners in the National Football League excluding that unusual public arrangement in Green Bay include some of the most notorious characters in business. Yet Jerry Jones jonse. Somehow the year-old Jones manages to handle both roles, and has done so with an enviable record of success. In a quarter-century with Jones at each helm, the team has won three Super Bowls and boasts the best record in the NFL in Granted, the last of those titles was 19 years ago, but no team has won more Super Bowls since Jones bought the Cowboys. The former University of Arkansas guard benefited from nepotism at the start of his business career, although modestly so by NFL-owner standards.
The Dallas Cowboys haven’t won a Super Bowl in nearly 23 years. They have gone in the playoffs in the years since, and that’s when they’ve made the playoffs at all. And yet, somehow, their nickname is still America’s Team. That’s due to the marketing of the team owner, Jerry Jones. Ever since he purchased the team in , Jones has forced his way into the spotlight whenever possible, making the Cowboys as much a brand as a football team. In doing so, he successfully rebuilt a struggling s Cowboys team into a 3-time Super Bowl champion in the s. He has also been the center of a number of controversies. In a way, he has been the true face of the franchise. How much is Jerry Jones worth after everything he’s done for Dallas, and how did he get the money needed to buy them in the first place?
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The fourth richest person in the state of Texas and one of the richest NFL owners , Jones is a very powerful man. Born Jerral Wayne Jones to J. Jones began working at the supermarket his parents owned when he was a little kid. Co-Captain Jerry Jones of the national champion Arkansas team, here with Gene Jones, his wife, who will be his presenter tonight. After graduating, Jones worked as the executive vice president at the bank his father owned — Modern Security Life Insurance Company — which Pat sold in after turning it into a multi-million-dollar business in the s. He wanted more. He wanted something he could call his own. Then in , Jones first entertained the idea of owning a sports franchise. His oil and gas company, Jones Oil and Land Lease, became successful after striking oil in his first drillings.
Jones, who has collected three Super Bowl titles as an owner and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in , got to where he is today in part thanks to hard work — and that’s a value he made sure to instill in his three kids. To get the point across, one summer Jones made his oldest son Stephen get a job working in fast food, because he thought Stephen wasn’t being sufficiently serious about working hard to achieve his goals. Stephen was a high schooler at the time and «my goal and dream was to play [football] in college,» he told the Dallas News. His dad, who had been coaching Stephen’s youth football teams since his son was 10, made it clear that, in that case, Stephen should be spending his summer days away from the house and working out, focused on making his dream a reality. One day, though, Stephen recalled, his dad «came home, middle of the day — he wasn’t out of town as I suspected — and he came home to me in the swimming pool with a group of about 30 other kids. They were loud, we had music and I was one of the loudest, enjoying the moment. And as things started to progress, I noticed that people started just staring at my house. One by one, the sound level started to drop in the pool. And I looked up, my father was sitting on the porch. The high schooler shut down the pool party and went up to the deck to see his dad, who told him to put on a suit. Stephen continued: «I didn’t want to say much because I knew I wasn’t in a good position to say anything so we got in that car and he said, ‘Well, we’re headed over to Wendy’s. Obviously, you couldn’t handle being your own boss so we’ll just have you report every morning to Wendy’s and see how that goes. Stephen met with the owner, Gerald Hamra, who happened to be a friend of his dad’s, and «he walked me through the process of the training program and what I’d be doing — cleaning out the grills and the griddles and the grease pits. I’ll be ready to go to work. I should’ve been working. I’m a big believer in maybe a second chance. I already talked to Mr. Hamra — I’ve already told him that we were maybe going to do this. If you think you can get it right, we’ll give you one more chance.
The 31 owners in the National Football League excluding that unusual public arrangement in Green Bay include some of the most notorious characters in business. Yet Jerry Jones does. Somehow the year-old Jones manages to handle both roles, and has done so with an enviable record of success. In a quarter-century with Where did jerry jones make his money from at each helm, the team has won three Super Bowls and boasts the best record in the NFL in Granted, the last of those titles was 19 years ago, but no team has won more Super Bowls since Jones bought the Cowboys.
The former University of Arkansas guard benefited from nepotism at the start of his business career, although modestly so by NFL-owner standards. They failed, and the young and unsuccessful entrepreneur was in danger of going bankrupt. For more, see: Recession-Proof Sports Leagues. The reasons for wildcatting are clear: although the risk is high, the rewards can be otherworldly. If a wildcatter quietly buys the surrounding claims, which should be dirt cheap, then happens to strike oil, the price of that real estate will skyrocket.
Jerry Jones the wildcatter found an overlooked but fecund piece of Oklahoma in which to explore. Byhe was spending a disproportionate amount of time in Dallas, a city with plenty of lending institutions and a famous football team that had fallen on hard times. In other words, a deliciously undervalued asset. Greatly simplifying the story, Jones fired everyone, brought in his college roommate as head coach, and won his first Super Bowl a little over three years later.
But the turnaround on the field was nothing compared to what Jones had planned. InJones made a heretical decision to sign a clothing deal with Nike Inc.
Almost predictably, and probably just out of spite, Jones then signed an independent deal with PepsiCo Inc. They don’t exist! Personal seat licenses? At the time of the licensing shakeups, Jones was a brash upstart with a short tenure in a league where multigenerational legacy ownership is the rule.
His maverick ways have only continued, and continued to enrich the Cowboys. PZZA locations throughout Texas. For more, see: Licensing Pays Some of the Bills. Forbes valuations of sports teams are the industry standard, the primary reason being that few other sources bother doing.
Forbes estimates for NBA teams are similarly conservative. However, that figure is academic. Even though he was wealthy by any measure at the time, Jones put his entire fortune into the Cowboys with little margin for error. On a landscape where many sports team owners make their fortunes elsewhere and then treat their team as something of a toy, Jones is the rare owner who generates enormous cash flow from the team. Company Profiles.
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Like him or not, it is unquestionable that he gets attention virtually everywhere he goes. This is not by accident but a result of his life choices that gained financial momentum from a very young age. With money comes attention, and owning a major NFL franchise is sure to enhance that image. We say at least because the number fluctuates due to his income and hie portfolio. Jones knows this all too well, as his first act maje the new owner of the Dallas Cowboys was to fire the only head coach the team had known — the legendary Tom Landry. The following season would end with a 1—15 record, devaluing the team in more than one way. But taking risks was the only way Jerry Jones knows how to live. Jones would strike oil on 13 of his wheree 13 oil drillings, becoming an instant success in the industry. This also rejects where did jerry jones make his money from notion that 13 is an unlucky number — makf least for Jones. The hia formed under the new venture was Jones Oil and Land Lease, a requirement to take advantage of the existing tax laws that would allow him to keep much of the profit. With a solid foundation in the oil and gas industry, he would profit considerably during times such as the Arab Oil Embargo of which sent gasoline prices soaring as well as consumer tempers, as people actually waited in long lines to fill up their tanks.
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