Uniforms are in constant demand for various professions and industries. Are you going to sell one niche only such as scrubs and healthcare uniforms, or will you focus on a variety of industries like healthcare, construction, and law enforcement? Depending on the industry, uniforms can vary wildly in appearance and in the function they serve. For example: retail clients typically need uniforms that distinguish employees from shoppers. You should have a clear understanding of which industry you will pitch your products to and what needs you will address before you start a new business. All businesses, regardless of your industry or what you sell, will need a business plan.
Budget and Costs
This opens up a great opportunity to become a medical scrubs and uniform retailer. Below are several things to consider before becoming a medical scrubs retailer. Apply for a business license from your local municipality. This serves to register your business with your city or county. Apply for a tax account with your state department of taxes as you will need to collect sales tax on items sold — if your state has sales tax. If you are still not sure about all the licensing requirements to become a medical scrubs and uniform retailer, you can contact the Uniform Retailers Association URA , a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to the growth and prosperity of the independent uniform retailer. The first thing you will need to do is find and contact manufacturers of medical scrubs such as Landau, Fashion Seal and Cherokee. Make sure to look for things such as:. Determine if you will have a retail store location or if you will sell directly to offices, hospitals and other stores. If you decide to open a retail store, you must find one that’s suitable, negotiate to lease or purchase the space and set it up for business. However, if you choose to sell directly to hospitals, offices and schools, etc. Market your business to the offices, hospitals, schools and other businesses that will be interested in your uniforms. Bring catalogs, price lists, samples and business cards with you when you visit.
Nurses, doctors, laboratory personnel and other staff are required to wear medical uniforms, also referred to as scrubs, in medical centers, doctors’ offices and hospitals all over the world. Although medical uniforms are in high demand, they aren’t readily available in regular stores and have to be bought from specialized medical uniform companies. Knowing how to open a medical uniform business can be a lucrative, interesting and rewarding prospect for entrepreneurs with an affinity for the medical industry. To create this article, 13 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 8 references. This article has also been viewed 28, times. Categories: Health Businesses. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: December 12, Learn more Find out which medical uniform brands and products are in demand. Find brands that provide materials and needlework that can withstand the high temperatures at which medical uniforms need to be washed. Antibacterial fabrics are popular. Research which brands offer more styles and colors than the conventional blue and green used for medical uniforms. Consider speciality items such as paediatric nurse uniforms with child friendly patterns. Some medical staff wear festive scrubs at certain times of the year, your company could fill a niche in the market if you can source these items. Consider expanding your medical uniform business with lines of comfortable, yet durable, underwear, and shoes that medical staff can wear under their uniforms. Determine the best location for your medical uniform business.
Time and Materials
Since scrubs are required attire at clinics and hospitals, those who sell them can make handsome profits—there is always a need for medical professionals in any community, and therefore, a demand for scrubs. Starting a scrub suit business can be done online, instead of in a traditional retail setting. Decide what type of scrubs you want to sell—discount scrubs, scrubs with licensed characters or sports logos, scrubs for the big and tall, or custom scrubs made with designer fabrics. Determine whether you will make the scrubs yourself or order them wholesale. If you are a talented seamstress and are capable of making quality, lined scrubs you will save money as opposed to purchasing them wholesale. However, most scrub suit businesses buy wholesale because they are not capable of making enough scrubs to fill demand. Another option is to buy wholesale scrubs, but also offer customers the option of ordering custom, handmade scrub suits. Name your scrub suit business and obtain a DBA assumed name certificate from your county, EIN employer identification number from the IRS and a resale permit or tax identification number from your state, if you are required to collect sales tax on the scrubs you sell in-state. Find a place to store your inventory. Since scrubs are mostly made of cotton, you will need a storage area that is free from sunlight, odors that can be absorbed, and pets. If you don’t have a suitable space in your home, rent a storage unit from a company such as U-Haul or Public Storage. If you hand make at least some of your scrubs, you can sell them on an artisan marketplace, such as Markets or Etsy. Buy a domain name from a registrar such as Go Daddy or Net Solutions. Your domain registrar will give you instructions for linking your domain with your e-commerce platform. Purchase wholesale scrub suits, if you prefer, from a supplier such as Fashion Scrubs, Trend Uniforms, or Scrub n Prints. Buy shipping boxes, tags for the scrub suits, and bags, or boxes to package the scrubs in from a supplier such as ULine or Nashville Wraps. Promote your scrub suit business by placing coupons and fliers in hospital and clinic gift shops with permission , advertising in local college and university newspapers make sure they have a pre-medical or graduate medical program first , launching a promotional blog, or offering a discount to customers who purchase more than one scrub suit at a time for example, buy 3 scrub suits, get 10 percent off. Melinda Gaines has been a freelance writer since , with work appearing online for YellowPages and other websites. Her areas of expertise include business, beauty, fashion and sports. Gaines attended the University of Houston where she earned a Bachelor of Science in sport administration. Share It. About the Author.
This year goals:-
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-Online business pic.twitter.com/eK8rqdT2TI— 🌻 (@arinakoh_) January 30, 2020
Time and Materials
Trina Spear first discovered the sleepy but lucrative scrubs market when she did a sellihg equity deal for a large U. Then a mutual friend introduced her to Heather Hasson, a fashion designer who was working on scrub designs that featured high-tech fabrics and trendy silhouettes. The two started Figsthe first e-commerce site to sell scrubs directly to consumers. The beauty sellign this industry is that it’s stable. Thousands of medical professionals enter the workforce van year and 90 percent have to buy their own uniforms. But the product has never really changed. Heather: My first experience with scrubs was when I was premed in college. I’m 5’8″ and pounds, and there I was, working on cadavers in these extra-large, koney, unisex scrubs. Medicine wasn’t my strength, so I went into design. After seven years of running my own high-end handbag company in Italy, I sekling I wanted to do something that would give. I started a couple of philanthropic ventures, outfitting kids in school uniforms and then making and donating scrubs to doctors and nurses in Africa. When I came back to the States, I met up with a nurse friend, and she was wearing big, boxy scrubs, and I said, «Wait. They’re still like this? All of the traditional scrub makers sell only to retailers. The experience is terrible. I altered her scrubs so they fit better eslling soon heard from friends of hers who also wanted alterations. Trina: The fabric isn’t functional—scrubs are typically made of cotton, which absorbs liquids and smells. You can find advanced fabrics at Lululemon and Nike, but can you make money selling scrubs one was developing them for the medical profession. Ours are antimicrobial, comfortable, and stylish. We had this idea by the tail. We just needed to execute. Heather: We developed our own fabrics, down to the yarns, in L.
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