Most innovative compensation technology backed by the most experienced team in the industry. Buy our surveys. Learn. Get a Live Demo. Education is expensive. We allowed the degree holder four years to graduate. The total cost included tuition, room and board, and books, and did not factor in scholarships or grants. We then determined the median cash compensation over the course of 30 years of typical jobs requiring that degree using Salary.
These Careers Are Worth the Price of College Admission
If you can make it, you can make top salaries. The College Consensus guide to the Top 50 Highest Paying Careers is based on PayScale median salary , while we also consulted the Bureau of Labor Statistics for job growth rates and unemployment rates, where those statistics are significant. Each of these jobs is expected to see thousands of job openings in the next decade, and their unemployment rate is, simply, nil. The doctors who care for our mental health, like the ones who put us to sleep and cut out our tumors, also make quite a healthy salary. Psychiatrists as opposed to psychologists go to medical school, spend years in residency, and have the responsibility of prescribing medicine, which requires more years of schooling, and often requires a more demanding workload than a psychologist. As with the other highest-paying jobs, physicians spend a lot of time in school, working in residencies, and just working in general — hours for a physician are long and demanding. Diseases of the mouth can often be crucial, overlooked signs of larger issues, while poor oral hygiene can cause many other diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and dementia. While many Americans neglect their oral health, the people who are responsible for it make a well-deserved high salary. While anesthesiologists are some of the highest-paid medical professionals, nurse anesthetists do pretty well for themselves too. An advanced practice nursing speciality, nurse anesthetists do pretty much what anesthesiologists do — administer anesthesia, monitor vitals — but they are required to do it under the supervision of a medical doctor. Their median 6-figure income is certainly well-earned. Businesses in the 21st century rise and fall on their communication, and the computer network architect is a crucial part of keeping communication going. While you may work your way up from entry level to manager, in most cases an IT manager will need specialized education. To become a pharmacist, you need a Doctor of Pharmacy PharmD degree, as well as licensure from your state Board of Pharmacy. That comes down to many stressful hours of schooling, internship, study, and practice before getting to work as a professional, and while the job itself is fairly low-stress, it also carries a lot of responsibility and a salary to match. From fuel to plastics, modern life runs on petroleum, and the experts who have the applied scientific knowledge to optimize production, manage drilling sites, design equipment, and implement strategies earn their keep.
College graduates can expect to make top dollar with these high-paying majors.
Hey college students! Starting to think about graduation already? Have you got your eyes set on landing your first job—and pulling in a sweet paycheck? So what are the best college majors associated with the highest paying jobs? Glad you asked. No surprise, STEM majors—science, technology, engineering, and math—came out on top. Read on to see which common majors can lead to high paying careers right out of the gate. And you’ve got a healthy job market, too. The BLS notes that the most in-demand jobs for engineering majors are those involving renewable energy, oil and gas, rebuilding infrastructure, and robotics. Find engineering jobs on Monster now. Close behind your engineering peers are you computer science majors, who spent your undergraduate careers learning about programming, data structures , and operating systems. Find computer science jobs on Monster now. Math occupations, which are growing at a faster-than-average pace, include actuaries, operations research analysts , and statisticians. Science majors, on the other hand, might find jobs working as a biological technician , a chemist, or a lab assistant at a hospital or doing research for a major corporation. Find math and science jobs on Monster now. Globalization, an economy on the upswing, and technological developments are all increasing the demand for business pros, such as management analysts , market researchers , purchasers , and human resources specialists. Find business jobs on Monster now. So you studied social sciences in college. Where do you go next? Find social science jobs on Monster now. Find popular jobs for humanities majors, such as teachers, editors, and sales representatives, on Monster now. It’s the largest increase of all the majors. All your hard work in the lab, fields, and on the farm are going to pay off, whether you pursue a career in education , landscape design , or crop consulting. Find agriculture and natural resources jobs on Monster. With 10 years under your belt, you could be looking at a salary well into the six figures. Find communications jobs on Monster now. Could you use some help getting started? Join Monster for free today.
Highest paying jobs you can get with a Bachelor’s degree
Is College Still Worth the Money? Maybe.
Unsurprisingly, the majority of careers on this list fall under the STEM category. In terms of financial security, engineering majors boast perhaps the brightest future of all, but individuals aspiring toward scientific endeavors and technology careers also appear well-represented. Common attributes of these high-earning professionals include leadership and management skills, advanced mathematical, technical, or engineering knowledge, and high-level researching abilities. While many of the 25 highest paying careers for college graduates allow for entry-level work fresh off of an undergraduate program, some may require graduate or postgraduate education to get your foot in the industry door. These skilled professionals first work alongside specialists and scientists to understand the reservoir formations, before beginning research and development of drilling equipments, plans, and other operations. Petroleum engineers may specialize in different areas, including completions, working on building wells; drilling, determining the safest and most efficient drilling procedures; production, monitoring the production of built wells; and reservoir, determining how much gas or oil can be extracted from a deposit. Work may require frequent travel to drilling sites.
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