Although there are probably hundreds of different ways for nurses to make more money, we selected our top 7 favorites for you. The majority of these ways to make more money are an augmentation or extension of your full-time job. They range from continuing an education specializing your nursing expertise to even starting your own business. The average salary for nurses in the U. Granted this had to take in account for salaries across the entire united states, so this is a broad average. Higher salaries were found in more populated states such as California, Texas, New Yorkwhich caused the average to inflate. As far as employment, there were 2. This brought an entire employment — just for nurses — to over 5 million jobs. What an impact! This is what we do here at connectRN. We help nurses just like you earn extra income and whenever you want by picking up extra shifts. Per Diem shifts are starting to be more and more prevalent today. Hospitals and care facilities are needing more help all the time because of the new regulations in healthcare.
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I was going to be titrating drips and tinkering with IV tubing, putting people to sleep and magically waking them back up. For now, my future is being molded by something I never saw coming. Something that started out as a joke, but became so much more. For me, this blog is the sentinel event to my operating room vision. After taxes, rent, utilities, my car payment, car insurance, health insurance, and student loan payments, I remember just barely breaking even that first year. I switched majors twice because I was an idiot and had no clue what I was doing. It was becoming abundantly clear that I had to keep going. In some way, shape, or form, I had to further my career to afford the life I wanted. I knew that more schooling or so I thought would be my ticket to achieving the higher salary I so-desired. I literally could not afford to go to school another day.
The Long and Winding Road
Nurses are expected to work long shifts with poor benefits and little pay. All these things can easily add to the pressure of the emotionally draining and back-breaking work of nurses. And if you have student debt and graduate loans to pay, managing your finances can make things a lot more stressful. If you are thinking of ways to earn more money either to pay off student loans or create your emergency fund, here are some of the little-known ways how nurses can earn more money:. To boost your salary, let your unit supervisor know that you are willing to work overtime if there is insufficient staffing in your area. You can also moonlight in other areas for OT demands. The concept of working per diem shifts is possible through nursing staffing agencies. You can sign up on nurse staffing agencies to get a chance on per diem shifts in other hospitals. Those who are looking for ways on how to make extra money as a nurse are familiar with immunization clinics. Being an immunization nurse is a seasonal opportunity that starts around September. Nurses and doctors manage these flu shot programs. You can land a part-time job in this field where you can do telephone triage and provide appropriate health assistance to concerned callers. Some telehealth companies also offer remote health monitoring services where you can monitor vital sign readings and check the severity of reported injuries of customers through video calls. There are lots of opportunities for a medical transcriptionist but you will have to become certified in order to be qualified for the job.
Reality Check #1: Life Doesn’t Wait
Do you want to start a business at home as a nurse but lack ideas and know-how? If YES, here are 31 best ways to make money fast from mae as a nurse in Times are indeed changing, and many industries are making the shift from having in-house personnel to having a nursjng relaxed and remote workforce of employees who work from home.
The same can be said of the nursing profession. Gone are the days when registered nurses were required to work besides patients serving bedpans amongst other sundry duties. These days, modern hkw in technology have nursint the way for remote or home-based nursing jobs.
Nursing is a rewarding career that provides more than 3 nuesing registered nurses RNs in the United States with a variety of workplace choices and with a fairly decent pay package. According to the U. While most nurses still prefer to provide in-person care, there are a surprising number of ways nurses can practice their skills and still work from home.
If you are interested in transitioning out of traditional care facilities, maybe to take care of your kids or to take a break in general, here are just a few career options that wlth allow you to put your degree to good use and still work from home. It is a fact that there are not enough health professionals blogging about health issues and whom you can seek reliable advice.
As a nurse, you can start a personal blog where you get to write about what you have learnt in school or on the job. Because of your qualification, you would be able to answer a few questions professionally as long as you do not go contrary to the nursing law. You would soon get a lot of mske if people know that you are a professional. A medical transcriptionist listens to recorded medical reports and transcribes voice recordings into written reports.
This is one ideal job a nurse can start from home. There are nurding of opportunities for a medical transcriptionist but you will have to become certified in order to be qualified for the job. It is easy to become certified as there are courses available online. Once you become a medical transcriptionist, you can work part-time and do the job from anywhere as long as you have a computer and reliable internet access. With this kind of part-time job, you can have the opportunity to work moneey your home.
Telehealth also known as telemedicine is the process of clinical diagnosing and monitoring through technology. This is one good business a nurse can start from home. There are a ton of companies who you can work for to do this and most of them let you work from home. Some telehealth companies also offer remote health monitoring services where you can monitor vital sign readings and check the severity of reported injuries of customers through video calls.
You can also start up your telehealth nursing business from home. You may also want ro focus on selling medical equipment as this is where your forte lies. You can post reviews makf the products on your website and direct your customers to degreee and read it for more information. Joney is one strategy that would help you make increased sales. This indeed would give you a feeling of running a business and it would bring that much needed additional income. Becoming an independent first aid instructor is another way a nurse can earn some cash from home.
In the past, some nurses have been known to have made more money doing this than their full-time nursing hos. One way nugsing kick off this business from home is to contact freelancing websites and register with. Because you are writing about a professional topic like medicine or health, you are able to charge higher than other general topic writers.
If your writings are good, you would start getting steady jobs that can even help you live comfortably. Nurses who are looking for ways to make extra money outside the hospital environment are familiar with immunization clinics. Being an immunization nurse is a seasonal opportunity that nusring around September. Before the flu season starts, companies, grocery stores, churches and other establishments sign up to provide flu shots.
Nurses and doctors manage these flu shot programs. You can sign up for hoq duty in an area near your home if you do not want to over stress. Per Diem shifts are starting to be more and more prevalent today. Per diem shifts allow nurses to pick up shifts when and where they desire.
This means that you are hired on a day to day basis according to how you are needed in the hospital or health facility. Hospitals and care facilities are needing more help all the time because of the new regulations in healthcare, and millions of more people have access to healthcare now meaning that hospitals are busier than.
You can pick up per diem withh on your free time or off days to boost your income. This may not totally be regarded as momey work from home job, but you can at least pick shifts that are very close to your home. If you are passionate about bedside care, you can look for a part-time job in nursing homes or hospice care facilities. These institutions are in great need of direct nursing care as their patients are elderly individuals with chronic illnesses.
You can arrange for a part-time job here eegree working two to three times a week or during weekends. Indeed this may not be an ideal work from home job, nufsing at least you monsy not in the busy and stress filled hospital environment. Medical coding is the process of transforming descriptions of medical diagnoses and procedures into universal medical code numbers. In medical coding, you will need to classify medical diagnoses and list the corresponding medical billing codes for proper insurance claims.
This is critical work as you will need to put the mlney medical billing codes so insurance companies can process the insurance claims of the patient. You will need to become certified to qualify as male medical coder, but once you are certified, you may have to carry out your duties from your home. The job also pays.
You can apply for a part-time job in these agencies where your primary role is to visit the list dwgree patients registered in their services and provide the nursing care they need.
Independent nursing interventions you can do in this job include dressing change, physical assessment, blood sugar monitoring and many. Many agencies let you start your day from home. Call your patients while having your morning coffee, and be home before your kids get out of school. A lot of nursing students sometimes need extra coaching for their exams. You can offer to bring them up to speed right from your home. What you need to do nudsing set up a website where you can offer your courses.
You should also provide simplified course materials that would help them better understand, then you need to promote your website and business to get adequate exposure on the internet. If the students you tutor find your teachings very helpful, they would introduce.
You can make money from subscription fees and seeing your notes. Withh care can be a challenging area of nursing. With a wound care nurse certification, you can do wound care consulting for doctors, hospitals, and wound clinics. The best part is that you can become an online wound consultant. You stay up-to-date on the latest wound healing techniques and treatments so you can make recommendations on the best treatments to try.
You can also teach classes on wound care and staging of wounds. To be able to offer this service, you have to get a wound care nurse certification. Phlebotomy is the process of making an incision in a vein with a needle. Insurance company physicals often need a physical exam and blood draw as part of the application process.
These are conveniently done in the patients home most of ro time. Hw get a list and drive to their homes mainly in the evening hours. This is a great way to drum up some extra money. Another work from home option for you as a registered nurse who prefers to work from home is call center nursing.
You basically perform telephone triage, offering advice to callers on how to deal with medical situations. Then the e-mails will start coming in, inviting you to complete surveys or participate in focus groups.
This is online market research, and if you are diligent about it, you can make a headway with it. Since you are nursiing nurse, you can target surveys that have to do with your profession.
You can test the waters by nureing up for Brand Institute, which focuses on healthcare research and seeks input from healthcare professionals such as nurses. Hospitals and private medical practices all around the country are constantly looking for the best nurses available. As any nurse knows, those organizations are more than willing to pay a premium to attract the right healthcare professionals.
Using your in-depth knowledge of medical hardware to make extra money is a savvy. If you feel comfortable talking to strangers and have a eegree for sales, selling medical products to hospitals and practices around the country is a natural. You can as well sell your medical products online right from your home. If you are really business inclined, you could always create your monye physical products and sell them for a pretty penny.
For instance, you could design your own line of custom scrubs based on your personal preferences and degre them online. Though this approach takes a bit more research and effort, the profit potential is far, far higher. You can just design the prototype and sell the idea off to a manufacturer.
This is one way to ensure that your business is only done ddegree home. A lot of companies hire nurses to work as home-based telephonic disability clinical case managers. To work as a monet manager, you must have a minimum of three to five years of clinical practice experience and prior disability management experience.
You also need to have insurance industry knowledge, with experience in critical care, home health and rehabilitation. Candidates should have an RN license, and in addition to outstanding clinical and assessment skills, nurses should have strong computer, customer-service and time-management abilities as the job is usually done remotely.
Online education is a wth field that is conducive for working at home. Subject matter experts are needed in every field that is taught online—and nursing is no exception. Tech-savvy nurses with teaching experience may be able to use those skills in distance education—either working as an instructor or in developing nursing courses.
Typically this expertise is utilized in-house as opposed to testifying as a medical expert.
How to earn Six Figures as a STAFF Nurse!
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However, we all need money to live. They should be able to tell you whether they offer advancement or pay bonuses based on certifications, or if they offer a career ladder program nnursing nurses. Many larger ones do, but some may not. You break your back to save lives. You deserve to be paid well for your service to humanity. I hope the eight strategies I provided above help you boost your income over time. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your service as a nurse! Disclosure and Privacy Nursiing This website provides entertainment value only, not medical advice or nursing protocols. By accessing any content on this site or its related media channels, you agree never to hold us liable for damages, harm, loss, or how to make money with nursing degree. See our full disclosure and privacy policy. Copyright Notice: Do not copy this site, articles, images, or its contents without permission. Important Links Advertise Contact Us. Get Free Email Updates: Enter your email address below and hit «Submit» to receive free email updates and nursing tips. Enter your email address
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