Software developers need to be innovative, creative and, of course, technical in order to succeed in this field. They might write new code or fix bugs in code to make it work better. Read More. From filling cavities to whitening teeth, dentists primarily examine and treat issues involving the mouth, gums and teeth. Physician assistants work under doctors to care for the sick or injured by interpreting tests and conducting exams. Picture-perfect teeth often start with an orthodontist.
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If you can make it, you can make top salaries. The College Consensus guide to the Top 50 Highest Paying Careers is based on PayScale median salary , while we also consulted the Bureau of Labor Statistics for job growth rates and unemployment rates, where those statistics are significant. Each of these jobs is expected to see thousands of job openings in the next decade, and their unemployment rate is, simply, nil. The doctors who care for our mental health, like the ones who put us to sleep and cut out our tumors, also make quite a healthy salary. Psychiatrists as opposed to psychologists go to medical school, spend years in residency, and have the responsibility of prescribing medicine, which requires more years of schooling, and often requires a more demanding workload than a psychologist. As with the other highest-paying jobs, physicians spend a lot of time in school, working in residencies, and just working in general — hours for a physician are long and demanding. Diseases of the mouth can often be crucial, overlooked signs of larger issues, while poor oral hygiene can cause many other diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and dementia. While many Americans neglect their oral health, the people who are responsible for it make a well-deserved high salary. While anesthesiologists are some of the highest-paid medical professionals, nurse anesthetists do pretty well for themselves too. An advanced practice nursing speciality, nurse anesthetists do pretty much what anesthesiologists do — administer anesthesia, monitor vitals — but they are required to do it under the supervision of a medical doctor. Their median 6-figure income is certainly well-earned. Businesses in the 21st century rise and fall on their communication, and the computer network architect is a crucial part of keeping communication going. While you may work your way up from entry level to manager, in most cases an IT manager will need specialized education. To become a pharmacist, you need a Doctor of Pharmacy PharmD degree, as well as licensure from your state Board of Pharmacy. That comes down to many stressful hours of schooling, internship, study, and practice before getting to work as a professional, and while the job itself is fairly low-stress, it also carries a lot of responsibility and a salary to match. From fuel to plastics, modern life runs on petroleum, and the experts who have the applied scientific knowledge to optimize production, manage drilling sites, design equipment, and implement strategies earn their keep. Most of the time, an NP can do anything a doctor can do, having learned most of the specialized knowledge that doctors learn, but they also have the hands-on experience and expertise — and bedside manner — of a nurse. NPs need a Master of Science in Nursing degree, as well as state licensure, to practice, and aspiring NPs should know the hours are just as long as nursing, with even more responsibility. The pay, though, helps make up for worn-out feet. Physician assistants make up one of the most crucial aspects of the healthcare system, because in many cases they are the difference between medical care and no medical care.
Government data show that healthcare dominates the salary ladder
Healthcare jobs topped the list of the highest-paying occupations, and the sector’s future is very bright. This growth is mainly due to an aging population, leading to greater demand for healthcare services, according to the agency. Rankings are based on salary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For clarity and convenience, some overlapping job categories were omitted. The figures and statistics are based on data collected through May The U. Here are the highest-paying professions, based on the BLS data. For each, we list the report’s mean annual wage, with the report’s mean annual wage in parenthesis after it so you can compare how the compensation has changed. The BLS defines anesthesiologists as, «Physicians who administer anesthetics prior to, during, or after surgery, or other medical procedures. There are approximately 31, anesthesiologists in the U. Following four years of medical school, aspiring anesthesiologists in the U. The BLS defines this category as «Physicians who treat diseases, injuries, and deformities by invasive, minimally-invasive, or non-invasive surgical methods, such as using instruments, appliances, or by manual manipulation. Somewhat more specialized than dentists , oral surgeons perform complex procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction; maxillofacial surgeons perform procedures relating to the jaw and the face around the jaw. According to the BLS, there are about 18, physicians in this field in the U.
Here are the best jobs of 2020:
Pro tip: Monster’s salary guide can show you what you’re worth. Timing the discussion right will depend on the state of your company and your recent accomplishments. These minutes are the most important minutes in your career. Some examples of things you can ask for that equate to more money in your pocket, or value for you:.
Keep these tactics in mind if you want to negotiate for more money and perks with your current employer as. Instead of settling for a standard quality of life raise, give them a solid reason to pay you.
When you make the negotiation about numbers and take the emotion out of it, you put yourself in a better position, says Howarth. The other thing you can do is go to your supervisor armed with research. Salary is just one piece of the pie when it comes to your compensation; you should be aware of all the possible benefits and perks that could be within your reach, either at your current job or your next one. Want to know what could potentially be on the table and how to ask for it?
Join Monster for free today. Oh, and even though we maintain there’s more to a job than a paycheck, we know you’re not made of money—that’s why all these valuable lessons from Monster will cost you exactly zero dollars. No negotiations needed! By commenting, you agree to Monster’s privacy policyterms of use and use of cookies. Thank you! You are now a Monster member—and you’ll receive more content in career apths that make you the most money inbox soon.
By continuing, you agree to Monster’s privacy policyterms of use and use of cookies. Search Career Advice. How to ask for more money You won’t get the salary you think you deserve if you don’t start the conversation.
Dawn Papandrea, Monster contributor. Put more money in your pocket. Related Articles. Comments By commenting, you agree to Monster’s privacy policyterms of use and use of cookies. Browse articles by Career Paths. Professional Development. Most Recent Jobs. See More Jobs.
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According to a recent report by Glassdoordoctors and lawyers are still the nation’s top-earning professionals. To compile its list of the highest-paying jobs in America inthe job search site analyzed anonymous salary reports from its maoe. For a job to make the list, there had to be at least 75 reports on that job submitted over the past year. C-level jobs were excluded from the report. Not only is this the top-paying job in the U. While pay can vary depending on what type of law you practice, the median salary is high enough to make lawyer the second best-paying job in America. What’s tjat, Glassdoor’s job listing page shows more than 9, openings for this job. Research and development managers have a variety of roles that depend on the employer, from improving product design and leading new partnerships to overseeing staff. Software development managers develop and oversee the systems behind computer programs. The outlook for this job is bright; it’s expected to mnoey 17 percent from to This managerial position usually requires years of experience in addition to a doctoral degree, apts all pharmacists are required to. Strategy managers often oversee a company’s plans to develop partnerships, drive growth and launch new profit-driving initiatives.
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