It all could boil down to one word: television. May 13, Tittle sold insurance in the summer. But these days, of course, players can afford to stick to their day jobs. Louis, did a double take at the sight of a short, squat man with jug-handle ears framing his familiar face bringing their meals to the table. It must have seemed terribly out of context, after all, to see him serving them dinner plates instead of crouching behind home plate. But there was no mistaking him, even out of his regular uniform. Instead of spending their offseasons training or vacationing, professional baseball, football, and basketball players once tended to take their place in the traditional workforce. Their modern-day counterparts, of course, can afford to stick to their day jobs.
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Athletes might have earned their way to fame, but being rewarded with an absurd amount of money just for playing a game is very unreasonable. Going through numerous years of medical school and training to supply the care people deserve should warrant more credit and pay. Teachers spend their time educating the future of our country while receiving nowhere near a million dollars yearly. Sports advocates may argue that athletes should be paid large amounts of money because they impact millions of people at once doing their job, unlike teachers and doctors who affect only hundreds at a time. The number of people does not matter in this case. The guidance offered from an astute educator to a struggling student, or from a knowledgeable medical practitioner to a deprived patient, can go a long way and stay with you forever. The advice of an athlete may not necessarily do the same. Professional sports are a rigorous test of talent, skill and love for the game, but they should not entitle athletes to higher wages than those who deserve them most. Remember your high school and, perhaps, college history classes? Hopefully, you learned a lot about what happened Last week was the first week of the legislative session. Really, it was just three days, but I’m counting Though he did so with some lingering defiance, I was glad to read President Donald Trump had decided against Thrillers set in small towns bring some scary thrills in several new books. A historical thriller follows two For better or worse — mostly for worse during the past year and a half — the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston
3 Reasons Why Professional Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid So Much
Professional athletes sacrifice important aspects of their lives, especially their health and family. For instance, during each season of any professional sport, there are away games that keep players from their families. More significant, though, is that players put their bodies in danger daily. Additionally, while most teenagers or college-age students spend their free time studying, working or hanging out, student athletes aiming to qualify for the pros spend all of their free time training. Professional sports is a money-earning business. Sports teams know that to stay profitable they need to win, which is why they sign the best players available. They make their teammates better, thereby improving the whole team think Tom Brady , Kevin Durant , etc. This leads to more wins and, in turn, more viewers, more merchandise sold and increased brand worth. The amount of money that team owners are willing to pay franchise players often comes at the expense of the other players. They also have the celebrity effect, which draws more paying fans in. Therefore, they deserve to earn more. While these may seem huge, so are the deductions from them. Sure, their net salaries may be higher than ours, but they are still lower than we tend to think and much lower than what is published. The large amounts of money invested in professional sports in recent years has the potential to drain the true meaning from sports. Professional athletes competing for money rather than for excellence will take the soul and magic out of sports, ruining it in the long run — for athletes and for fans. This pay gap creates unnecessary tensions within sport teams and is unfair to teammates who sacrifice just as much but for less money. Do you think professional athletes are overpaid? One of football’s longest running debates. Here are three arguments for defense and three against it. Can the NFL withstand its political, social and health controversies or are they turning away fans for good? While it can provide kids with fun, life-altering summer experiences, it may not be ideal for every family. Strength, speed and endurance — We look at how basketball players fare against other sports’ athletes. Search for:.
Cheap entertainment ruins other deserving professions
But as is often the case, things are not what they appear. In reality, James and many other athletes are actually wildly underpaid — specifically when it comes to their on-field salaries. Crazy, right? Not necessarily. Sports occupy unique cultural real estate and unify us in a way that nothing else does. No matter where we go, sports are inescapable. Sometimes this makes the industry appear much larger than it truly is. Because of the extensive media coverage, the business of sports feels a lot bigger than it actually is. Sports are cross—cultural in a way that virtually nothing else is. Sports fans have no one demographic. They are rich, poor, Democrats, Republicans, men, women, and people of all ages; fans exist across the entire spectrum of our society. From the perspective of TV producers, the pro sports heroes are the ideal reality TV stars, and the games are the perfect product. Many of these factors account for just how valuable team franchises have become over the last half century or more.
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