If you’ve spent some time playing through the main story then you’ll already be familiar with how difficult it is to amass funds, at least in the early stages, and the situation online is even tougher — so having some advice on how to make money fast in Red Dead Online is pretty deav. Compared to single player, looting valuable trinkets from the bodies of your fallen enemies is much less rewarding in Red Dead Onlineso you’ll need to look into other sources of income if you want to stack up the digital dollars. Earn you way towards purchasing the more expensive items and upgrades while streamlining your spending with our top tips on how to make money fast in Red Dead Online. You can loot most of what you can buy, so do some exploring and stock up that way. Save up first for the weapons that you need to hunt properly, and keep a nest egg for bait to fish and stable upkeep. Any other expense you should probably question. This is by far and away the easiest method of moneey quick money, though it comes with a catch.
Jump into story missions
Making fast Red Dead Online money takes a lot of time and requires you to complete some big jobs. That’s something you may well have found in the story mode, but things feel much more pronounced here once you’ve joined this Wild West full of real-life inhabitants. Thankfully some of these tips cross over nicely with the most efficient means of leveling, too, so make doubly sure you keep them in mind. With these pointers and an awful lot of time, you’ll be on the Wild West rich list yet. This one’s a classic, but it works in Red Dead Online, too. If you want to make money, sell as much stuff as you can to the various shopkeepers of the world. Check cabinets, safes, chests, and everything else on which you can get your grubby hands. This extends to the people and other fauna you find yourself murdering, also. Check for bonus requirements and then tick them off as you go to help boost your earnings. If you visit them and kill everyone except the leader, you get the choice to spare or kill them. Following these maps to where X marks the spot is a great way of injecting some extra cash into your life. Hunting animals and selling their pelts to butchers is another good way of earning money. You just need to make sure you try and kill the beast with a clean headshot or a direct hit to a vital organ if you want to get the best possible pelt.
Do the story missions, and do them well
There’s been a lot of virtual blood spilt and a fair few frustrated Reddit posts angrily hammered out about the ongoing wrangling over Red Dead Online ‘s updates and the internal economics of the game world. Some say it’s near impossible for a simple fisherman to land enough salmon to keep himself in new hats and the occasional faintly erotic sponge bath these days, which is sad. However, there are always ways of making ends meet if you just do a little rummaging around, a little light hustling. There are some buggy bits of the game world which will let you keep catching the same cougar again and again, sure, but there are other ways which will take you out of the whole rootin’, tootin’ vibe less. For instance, all you’ve got to do to earn some gold bars is enable two-step verification on your Rockstar Social Club account. That’s it. If you’re not familiar, two-step verification just involves using both your usual username-password combo as well as a code that’s sent to your phone, your tablet or your computer. You pop that code in and away you go. Maybe it’ll be a new hat. News Style Culture Subscribe Newsletter. Type keyword s to search. Pick up gold bars for free using this one weird trick!
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— Aphiradee kongkaew (@Aphiradeekongk9) January 30, 2020
Jump into story missions
Jump to navigation. The Red Dead Online beta has been kicking off in a big way, but just like in previous Rockstar games the economy at launch is undeniably makin bit difficult to work. Guns, horses, food, and clothing all cost a pretty penny compared to their offline counterparts and making money is undeniably much more difficult than in the Red Dead Redemption 2 campaign. Keep in mind that a lot of these methods are likely to shift or evolve as Rockstar adjusts their pricing over the coming months but most of these methods will likely still work, but might pay more or less a month from now if Rockstar adjusts the pricing.
Even while writing this guide, Rockstar rolled out their first batch of tweaks to the economycutting the price of many animals, fish, and pelts in half, while buffing showdowns and other multiplayer events.
The good news is that Rockstar also cut the cost of many essential pieces of gear for the whole game, which means that even though some things now reward less cash, the cost of items you want to buy like pistols and rifles have similarly been cut in half. Reward: Around a hundred dollars or more per treasure plus a piece of a gold bar. As you might expect, treasure hunting in Red Dead Online can be a lucrative operation. Tracking down these hidden treasure chests requires a bit of luck and paying attention to your mailbox when you hit significant level milestones, but the payout in raw cash and gold bars is well worth your time.
Do a bit of triangulation by moving north, south, east, or west and you should be able to track down the treasure based on how strong the vibrations get as fead. Wsys the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for anything that could be out of place in the surrounding area, a broken-down wagon, a crooked tree, anything out of place could be an indication of where the treasure money making ways red dead online hiding.
One way or another, you should find the treasure chest chock full of enough cash and gold to give you a bit of a head start on your money making ways red dead online. We were able to take the money from ours and immediately invest in a fishing rod and lure to kick off even more lucrative adventures, but how you spend the money is entirely up to you.
Arguably the most efficient but sometimes the most boring method to farm cash in Red Dead Online is by fishing for Salmon and Trout along the various rivers in the game.
Once you have your fishing pole and lure where you go is entirely up to you. The best method is to ride along a river looking for signs of fish, then equip your fishing pole and use jaking gunslinger vision activated by clicking in both analog sticks to see how many fish are in the area.
Whenever the fish stops struggling quickly rotate your right stick while moving your left analog stick up and down to create slack in the line and to yank the fish closer to shore. Once you get used to the method you should be able to quickly land 10 to 20 fish in 30 minutes to an hour, which translates to a lot of cash in a short period of time. Along the way to and from the butcher you can also pad your pockets with various wild game to boost your numbers.
Although not quite as lucrative as the fishing methods we also go over in this guide, various pelts, carcasses, and meat are worth their weight in cold hard coin in Red Dead Online.
The trick is not to worry about trying to pull off a clean kill with your repeater or a bow, but instead to whip out your lasso and use it to rope any perfect deer you can. Rinse and repeat, but this time instead of trying to pop it on the back of your horse take out your rope again and lasso the body before you butcher it. Ideally you would do this near Valentine where there are quite a few deer near the town so that you can quickly hunt a few deer and then drag them back to the butcher without having to run a cross country trip while hauling a deer behind desd horse.
Arguably the most fun, but also one of the slowest methods to get cash is to just focus on queuing up for some competitive game modes to go toe to toe against other players. This used to be one of the slowest ways to get cash, because each match can range from 20 minutes to half an hour, but as of the recent patch Onoine and a lot of other game modes have had a significant payout buff.
View the discussion thread. Video Game Reviews. Red Dead Online: The best and fastest ways to make money. Dec 07, Hunt Down Treasure Reward: Around a hundred dollars or more per treasure plus a piece of a gold bar As you might expect, treasure hunting in Red Dead Online can be a lucrative operation. Red Dead Online making money fishing lure. Red Dead Online making money hunting deer.
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Red Dead Online Money — Best Ways to Make Money in Red Dead Online — RDR2 Online Money
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Red Dead Online is finally here, allowing players to Posse up and roam around the Wild West at their leisure. There are PvP modes as well, and horse racing of course. We’ll cover selling pelts, highlight the most lucrative missions, and show you a particularly good Red Dead Online Money Glitch. The weapons in particular, can get pretty pricey, especially when you start adding in the cost of alternate ammo. To do so, all you need to do mzking complete the first 6 story missions in Red Dead Online. Then, all you need to do is delete your character and start. Your money will carry over money making ways red dead online the new character, then you can just keep repeating the process. It’s one heck of a grind, but we’ve confirmed it to be the best way to farm money currently. What we recommend you do is grind the two missions listed below until you have enough money to buy the weapons that you want. This will put moneey into a randomized story mission, so keep heading in and out of matchmaking until you get one of the good ones. A good habit to get into early on is to kill and rex them when they show up. You can sell the pelts at the Onlinne for a pretty good price. Try to kill them with your knife or bow for better quality pelts. Make sure you head to the Butchers regularly to check what you can sell. Pocket watches are very common, and can be sold to the Fence for good money. There’s also our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats guidea makinb on how to get a new horse in RDR2 if you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere, and our guide on how to earn RDR2 money quickly in the wild west. We’ve also got pages on how to find the Jack Hall Gang treasureand how to get perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. More about Red Dead Redemption 2. Jake is a former freelance writer who now heads up guides onlin USG. He monney his days dreaming of an X-Files dating-sim and will play literally any game read monkeys in it.
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