One of the original 13 colonies and one of the six New England states, Connecticut is located in the northeastern corner of the country. Initially an agricultural community, by the midth century textile and machine manufacturing had become the dominant industries. The home of Eli Whitney and Samuel Colt, Connecticut was a leading manufacturer of guns and other arms. Today Connecticut lies in the midst of the great urban-industrial complex along the Atlantic coast, bordering Massachusetts to the north, Rhode Island to the east, Long Island Sound to the south and New York to the west. Hartford, in the north-central part of the state, is the capital. The state is roughly rectangular in shape, with a panhandle extending to the southwest on the New York border. In area it is the third smallest U. But if you see something that doesn’t look right, click here to contact us! Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Initially colonized by French fur traders, Ohio became a British colonial possession following the French and Indian War in At the end of the American Revolution, Britain ceded control of the territory to the newly formed United States, which incorporated it into the
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He attended grammar school at Market Bosworth, a tiny nearby town, and went on to Cambridge University, where he received his BA in and his MA in While a student at Cambridge, Thomas Hooker underwent a profound religious experience and decided to become a minister. Such conversion experiences were central to the beliefs of the Puritans , a Protestant sect that arose within the Church of England during the late 16th century. Puritans believed that in the process of conversion, they directly experienced the wrath and love of God. Unlike other, more radical sects, however, they sought to remain within the Anglican Church and to reform it from within. Emmanuel College at Cambridge, which Hooker attended, was a hotbed of Puritanism. Hooker became a powerful and popular preacher, attracting a large following. He served first in a small village church just outside London and later in the large market town of Chelmsford. A neighboring vicar denounced him to William Laud, the Anglican Bishop of London and an ardent opponent of Puritanism. Ordered to abandon his practices and beliefs, Hooker resigned his position in Chelmsford and took a job as schoolmaster in yet another small village. This did not end the threat of prosecution, however, and he eventually fled to Holland where there was already a large community of Puritan exiles.
Ron Michener, University of Virginia
Connecticut may be too rich for its own good. Long blessed with a disproportionate number of high-income residents, the state has entertained lavish spending habits for decades. Lawmakers have acted as if they were on a shopping spree at Christmas, confident that the money to pay off the credit cards would somehow be found in the new year. Meanwhile, they have avoided many of their less glamorous responsibilities — depositing money into pension accounts and other retirement benefits, and paying for adequate infrastructure maintenance. Budget problems have become chronic in Connecticut. This year, they got worse. There was still no agreement on a budget as of mid-August. William Tong. Continuing budget fights and tax increases have driven down business confidence. Corporations were eager to resettle there. But fashions have changed. Millennials and corporations have developed a hankering for urban life. This was demonstrated starkly by the decisions of two of its marquee employers, General Electric and Aetna, to move their headquarters to Boston and Manhattan, respectively. That bad news has fed a broader negative narrative about the state, with damning coverage in outlets such as Slate , The Atlantic and The Wall Street Journal. Connecticut has five cities with populations above ,, but each is below , While some of the cities are doing better than others, they all have more than their share of concentrated poverty, bad schools and unemployment. In short, Connecticut lacks a city that can take advantage of the newfound cachet of urban life. Instead, the state has had to take over the financial reins of several of its troubled smaller cities over the past two decades. Hartford, the capital, has its own chronic budget problems and has hired attorneys to explore the possibility of bankruptcy. Dannel Malloy. Essentially, it has created no new net employment for decades. It was only this past June that Connecticut finally managed to claim the same number of private-sector jobs that it had before the recession. A disproportionate number of positions created since are low-wage jobs in the service sector. And people have begun to vote with their feet. The state has lost population for three years running. Connecticut is now at a crossroads. A model that worked for years — safe suburbs offering good schools for the children of hedge fund managers and insurance agents — is no longer as compelling.
Interesting Facts
Colonial Connecticut. Colonial Connecticut: The Establishment and Settlement of the 13 original colonies Colonial Connecticut The following fact file on Colonial Connecticut provides a fast overview of important facts relating to the history, founding and establishment of Colonial Connecticut:. The first settlement by Europeans in Colonial Connecticut were made in by Dutch settlers on the site of present day Hartford. In the same year a trading post was established on the Connecticut river by settlers from the Plymouth Colony, A colonist called John Oldham of Massachusetts explored the valley and his favorable reports led to the founding of Colonial Connecticut by Thomas Hooker in Thomas Hooker was a leading Puritan clergyman who grew dissatisfied with the rigid practices and government of the Puritan church in Massachusetts. He established the new colony with about colonists who shared his views. This famous constitution was in force for years. The charter included the New Haven Colony. Picture of Thomas Hooker.
There are many ways for people in Connecticut to make money such as fishing. These people can also sell baked goods. All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions.
Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in History of the United States. How did people make money in Connecticut? Connecticut makes money my fishing and cooking. People may plant crops. Such as fruits ln vegatables. Most people plant Tobacco. Also a dragon ate a unicorn,in a few days. By paying them a decent amount of mnoey, they will often provide a better level of care and attention to un child.
They took a voyage from England it costed alot of money. Asked in England How do people make money in England? Asked in History Miney do people earn a living in Connecticut?
There are many ways that people can ear a living in Connecticut, including working in movie theaters. People can also earn money by working in restaurants, grocery stores, and as police officers. Asked in History How did people make a living in Connecticut? I would go with Connecticut Juvenile Boot Camp.
They can really make a transformation with people who go. Asked in Theocracy How does a theocracy make money? They get jobs, typically. That’s the best way to make money. Other people inherit, invest, or do other things to make money, but generally speaking, getting a job is what people do to make money.
Asked in Nebraska How people make money in Nebraska? The same way that people make money. We have jobs. People get money from people or when they pay for something they can get change they make money from machines. Fartford has the most people in Connecticut. People in England make money in a variety of ways.
There are people who make money by being doctors, running companies, working in stores, or teaching for example. Asked in Casinos, Slot Machines How does a casino make its money? Casino’s make money by conning people as people are more likely to lose money than win. People make money playing football by becoming what did the people in connecticut do to make money enough to get on a team that people pay money to watch.
Asked in Colonial America How did people make money in the colony of pennslyvania? Asked in China and Chinese Territories How much money do people in china make?
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The U. Known as the «land of steady habits» for its political, social and religious conservatism, the colony prospered from the trade and farming of its ethnic English Protestant population. The Congregational and Unitarian churches became prominent. Connecticut played an active role in the American Revolution, and became a bastion of the conservative, business-oriented, Constitutionalism Federalist Party. The word «Connecticut» is a French corruption of the Native Koney word quinetucketwhich means «beside the long, tidal monsy. Reverend Thomas Hooker and the Rev. Samuel Stone led a group of about who, infounded the settlement of Mkney, named for Stone’s place of birth: Hertford, in England. Called today «the Father of Connecticut,» Thomas Hooker was a towering figure in the early development of colonial New England. He was one of the great preachers of his time, an erudite writer on Christian subjects, the first minister of Cambridge, Massachusetts, one of the first settlers and founders of both the city of Hartford and the state of Connecticut, and cited by many as the inspiration for the «Fundamental Orders of Connecticut,» cited by some t the world’s first written democratic constitution that established a representative government. The state took a leading role in the industrial revolution of the United States, with its many factories establishing a worldwide reputation for advanced machinery.
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