Peter and I were golfing buddies for years until one day he started asking me about my compensation. I refused to tell him for weeks until he mentioned he was in a tough situation, negotiating a package with a potential new employer and sought my advice as someone several years his senior. When I did, he quieted down, walked to the next hole and smacked his driver down the pipe. As weeks turned into months, I realized he no longer pinged me to play golf. Peter turned cold and I later found out that the reason why he never took the new job was because he countered them so high based on what he heard from me that they pulled the offer. Peter blames me for not getting the job and not making the money he feels he deserves to make. I have no control over what the potential suitor was willing to pay so why is it my fault? He asked me to be his mentor when he first graduated from college, and his competitive drive drove him overboard. He compares everything from cars to property with everybody. As an example, he purchased a two year old Aston Martin Vanquish around his 30th birthday.
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During a break from Oscars week mania in L. How major? Each year. For doing nothing. Just let that sink in. That wasn’t the only thing I learned on my tour though Despite how it looks on TV, the coffee spot where the Friends gang hung out is not much bigger than a cramped NYC apartment. Oh, and it’s shaped like a wedge to give the illusion of being more spacious onscreen. Ah, the magic of television! There’s an entire fleet of Batmobiles at Warner Bros. You’re welcome. Does this stretch of studio lot look familiar to you? It should, if you’re a Pink Floyd fan. This is the exact spot where the album cover photo for Wish You Were Here was taken. There are no pics allowed inside the Ellen show set, but I did learn something about her charmed life: She takes every Friday off. Yep, every single one. So on Thursdays, she pre-tapes Friday and Monday’s shows and then she’s out. A long weekend every weekend? Must be nice!
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When I was growing up, my parents took great pains to hide their incomes from friend. Whenever I had to fill out a form, like for college financial aid, they’d make me leave the income section blank and they’d fill it out once I left the room.
Then they’d seal it in an envelope and mail it off, crossing their fingers. At the time, I didn’t understand what the big deal. I had a sense of our financial picture: It wasn’t perfect, but we weren’t starving. In retrospect, I understand ,aking my parents’ secrecy was well intentioned. I worried more than I needed to. Maybe some information would have been empowering. I emulated my parents’ secrecy through much of my life, declining to discuss financial issues whenever they came up.
And I wasn’t. While we were wildly open about other private matters — sex, medical issues, family drama — we acted as if money just didn’t exist when we were. Sharing financial information with a partner was easy for me and seems to be for most peoplebut talking money was completely out of the question for my friends and me.
I didn’t realize what holes this financial secrecy created in my moneg with the people I was closest to. I wondered why Erika seemed so uncomfortable whenever we went to dinner. I resented that Alexis invited me to concerts that I couldn’t afford, leaving me to invent excuses for not joining. That all changed when my friend Brian got a new job and came to me for advice on negotiating his starting salary.
We debated whether he should ask for 20 percent more of X, or whether increasing to Y would bump him into a higher tax bracket. Without concrete numbers we were just dancing around Xs and Ys, and I couldn’t really help. Finally, Brian took a deep breath and named the number. We began having an actual conversation. And seemingly all friendd once, the trust and intimacy of our relationship magnified.
The conversation branched into other parts of our lives — our budgets, our savings plans, our debt, and our values around money.
We were shocked to learn how much of our lives were foreign to each other, despite our closeness he asks me to vet all his potential boyfriends, and I talk to his mom regularly, for example. We realized that shutting our closest friends out of our financial situations meant shutting them out of a huge part of our lives, since money touches. I decided to follow Brian’s example and start talking openly about money with my friends.
I would simply say, «What if we talked about concrete numbers? Sometimes the conversation started around the idea of student debt, or rent, or travel how much money are your friends making.
I was completely shocked by the lack of pushback — it was as if my friends had just been waiting to be asked. I realize this type of conversation might not be so simple for everyone, but it’s worth at least trying. These days, talking about money and salaries with my friends is standard, but it goes arre beyond just salary negotiations.
Erika and I cook at home now because I understand that meals out aren’t a part of her budget. Michael is less tightly wound because he’s open about the things that stress him out financially and knows he can lean yor friends for emotional support. I stopped resenting Alexis after I told her that I just didn’t share her entertainment budget. Now we have dance parties in my living room or movie nights. I helped most of my friends check their credit scores and showed them how they could improve.
We even set up a weekly budget check-in ffriends help all of us stay on track. But being open about our financial situations goes even deeper: Now we better understand each other’s values and the lives we want for. I feel like they actually know me. This piece originally appeared on Daily Worth. Related pieces:. Type keyword s to search. Today’s Top Stories. Did She? Everlane Is Finally Launching Activewear. Your Guide to Who’s Running for President in Tyler Joe.
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Friends re-runs have been plentiful since the show ended in — and it turns out that the cast have really been cashing in. Related: Is this the real main character in Friends? Doesn’t sound like much? And speaking of re-runs, it was reported in October that Warner Frjends was going to pull Friends from all streaming services in because mkney plans to launch its own standalone service in the near future. Meanwhile, the sitcom was still the most binge-watched television show ofaccording to a study from TV Time via Variety. Friends had how much money are your friends making highest share of binge sessions over the course of the year, based on its analysis of 12 million registered users worldwide of its app for tracking, commenting on and voting for TV shows. All frienda seasons of Friends are streaming now on Netflix. Want up-to-the-minute entertainment news and features? Type keyword s to search. Related Story. Advertisement — Continue Reading Below. More From Friends. Friends maklng gets disappointing update. Jennifer Aniston has mini Friends reunion. Friends nearly ended way earlier than it did.
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