Wagner Support SF Reviews. Book cover art by Scott McKowan left. In my parents’ small hometown, there was a short-lived but nicely appointed museum on Texas’ early settler history, where an inordinate portion of the display space was given over to old currency. Paper money, as I’m sure everyone knows, was originally just scrip. Your boss or foreman or C. It wasn’t long before people just began trading the paper money. It’s as if the artists commissioned to design them were, to a man, making money book review terry pratchett wannabe Rembrandts whose life ambition was to have space in the Louvre and were doing the next best thing. Seems odd to me, the idea of going to a general store and handing over the equivalent of a miniature post-Renaissance masterwork in exchange for a sack of potatoes.
A clever romp through a weird world of finance, sex toys and lecherous ghosts
Put Moist von Lipwig, former conman turned city employee in charge of the Royal Mint. Numbers, pensions, a job for life! Another could be that this is one of the more topical Pratchett novels, focused on satirizing a specific subject, in this case banking and economics. He focuses a lot on the idea of how money relies on trust and belief. And who understands this better than a conman? And if you could sell the dream to enough people, no one dared to wake up. The addition of Gladys, the female golem was also a highlight. One of the things I really love about Discworld novels is how they build upon each other and intertwine, especially in Ankh-Morpork. This also shows one of the best things about Discworld — that it can change. More than anything, I cannot help but recommend this series as a whole. This cover is so much better than the sort the earlier novels have. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search for: Search. Tags 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars aliens alternative world amazing female lead ARC awesome cover Bookburners detective Diversiverse dystopia epic fantasy fairy tales fantasy female lead feminism free online short stories historical fantasy humor inclusive interview LGBTQIA list male lead Monthly recap multiple leads mystery new releases no romance novella other world paranormal rogues science fiction Serial Box short stories space opera The Expanse Read Along Tremontaine TremonTEAM urban fantasy world building Young Adult.
All reviews for: The Discworld Series
History Publication Information. Rate this book. The Ankh-Morpork Post Office is running like. The mail is delivered promptly; meetings start and end on time; five out of six letters relegated to the Blind Letter Office ultimately wend their way to the correct addresses. So it’s somewhat disconcerting when Lord Vetinari summons Moist to the palace and asks, «Tell me, Mr. Lipwig, would you like to make some real money? He’s referring, rather, to the Royal Mint of Ankh-Morpork, a venerable institution that has run for centuries on the hereditary employment of the Men of the Sheds and their loyal outworkers, who do make money in their spare time. Unfortunately, it costs more than a penny to make a penny, so the whole process seems somewhat counterintuitive. Oh, and the chief clerk is probably a vampire. But before Moist has time to fully consider Vetinari’s question, fate answers it for him. Click to the right or left of the sample to turn the page. If no book jacket appears in a few seconds, then we don’t have an excerpt of this book or your browser is unable to display it. The information about Making Money shown above was first featured in «The BookBrowse Review» — BookBrowse’s online-magazine that keeps our members abreast of notable and high-profile books publishing in the coming weeks.
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Amazingly, former arch-swindler-turned-Postmaster General Moist von Lipwig has somehow managed to get the woefully inefficient Ankh-Morpork Post Office running like. Now the supreme despot Lord Vetinari is asking Moist if he’d like to make some real money. Vetinari wants Moist to resuscitate the venerable Royal Mint—so that perhaps it will no longer cost considerably more than a penny to make a penny. Moist doesn’t want the job. However, a request from Ankh-Morpork’s current ruling tyrant isn’t a «request» per se, more like a «once-in-a-lifetime-offer-you-can-certainly-refuse-if-you-feel-you’ve-lived-quite-long-enough. But he’ll soon be making lethal enemies as well as money, especially if he can’t figure out where all the gold has gone. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Sir Terry Pratchett was the internationally bestselling author of more than thirty books, including his phenomenally successful Discworld series. He died in at the age of sixty-six. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Read more Read less. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Frequently bought together. Add all three to Cart Add all three to List. Ships from and sold by Amazon. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Going Postal: A Novel of Discworld. Terry Pratchett. Mass Market Paperback. Raising Steam Discworld. Unseen Academicals: A Novel of Discworld. Monstrous Regiment: A Novel of Discworld.
All reviews for: The Discworld Series
Boris Johnson’s candidacy for mayor of London could have come straight from a Terry Pratchett novel: a lovable buffoon with rebiew discernible accomplishments becomes a leading contender for just those very qualities ie buffoonery, Liverpool-bashing — is there anything else? Bullyingly jovial, faintly sinister and with no apparent plans for the city except to promise the exact opposite kind of tyranny as the current tyrant-incumbent, all that remains is for him to be revealed as a multi-tentacled demon to make a jolly good Discworld novel. Monfy for him, it may yet happen. If you’ve never read Discworldthen perhaps you’re unaware that what started out as a very funny fantasy spoof quickly became the finest satirical series running. It has dealt with — among many other topics — racism, sexism, journalism, death, war, the army, the Inquisition, the ambiguous nature of good and evil, and the uncomfortable power of narrative, all in novels that are smart, hilarious and humane. Come to think of it, if you’ve never read a Discworld novel, what’s the matter with you? Making Money is the second of the series to feature conman Moist van Lipwig. Introduced in Going Postal, Moist was narrowly saved from hanging by Lord Vetinari, the ruthlessly efficient despot of Ankh-Morpork «Do I need to wear a badge that says tyrant? Beneath the delightful silliness and the slendidly awful puns lay a startlingly savage attack on the greed trry privatisation. The scurrilous investors in Ankh-Morpork’s communications system were an obvious attack on a denationalised rail service, cutting corners and endangering lives, all the while offering meaningless platitudes about «improved directives» and apologies for the inconvenience of being killed.
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