By Mike Stubbs January 18, Starting out in Elite: Dangerous is a daunting task, but with these pointers you can be a space master in a matter of hours. Elite: Dangerous is a truly massive game, one that we’ve spent more hours than we would care to admit in. Even then, there feels like there’s so much left to. There’s literally a galaxy to explore and a ton of ways you can go about it, whether you opt to be an evil space pirate or just a peaceful explorer looking to discover some new planets. For those of us who’ve played a lot of Elite: Dangerous, it’s easy to think about what we want to do. We might want a new ship, we might be trying to uncover aliens or even embarking on a journey to eelite edge of the 202 to try and save a doomed comrade. But for those players who are just starting out in this massive world, it’s easy to feel a little daunted. There’s little in the way of guidance for most new players and that can often mean some don’t really know where to start, what to do or what the unspoken rules of the the fastest way to make money elite dangerous 2020 are. That’s where we come in. Your first task is the tutorials. Elite isn’t the friendliest game to newcomers, but that doesn’t mean you should be skipping the tutorials.
Make money from exploration
Elite Dangerous has been out for just over a month, and while it isn’t quite as belligerently opaque as something like Eve Online, there are certainly esoteric elements that can make the game quite hard to get to grips with. Thank goodness for the Christmas break, then, and a chance to wrap our heads around the finer details of life in space. Based on that experience, we’ve put together a guide to Elite that will give you all the information you need to get out there, and get sampling all of the core activities in the game. We’re not covering every facet of the game in minute detail, as there are plenty of detailed guides out there for those who wish to dig deeper, but if you work through all of the items covered in this article you’ll get a quick taste of what the game’s about, and what might tickle your fancy in the long run. Elite Dangerous — how to travel within and between star systems A quick guide to travelling between different star systems, making journeys within those systems, and getting in and out of Stations safely. Elite Dangerous — how to use maps and plan routes How to scope out space using the game’s map systems, use Elite’s route-planning tools, and generally make your way from over here to over there. Elite Dangerous — how to make money from missions Making the most of the game’s mission system to make the most money. Elite Dangerous — dogfighting and combat survival How to get to grips with the basics of dogfighting in Elite Dangerous, and live to fight another day. Elite Dangerous — trading tips and tricks A quick guide to the science of tracking down cheap goods, finding lucrative markets to offload them in, and making profit as efficiently as possible. Elite Dangerous — how to make money Bored of missions? Here’s a quick run-down of some of the other profitable ways of making money in the game. Elite Dangerous — how to smuggle goods and get started with piracy Bored of being nice? There are dark arts a-plenty in Elite Dangerous. Elite Dangerous — how to choose the best ship and upgrade it A handy reference guide to all of the ships currently available in the game, and which areas of the game each one excels at. Getting around the UI in Elite Dangerous takes a little getting used to but it soon becomes second-nature. By default, you use 1 and 4 to open up your left and right-hand cockpit panels respectively. The right-hand panel is very specific to the ship you’re flying right now, while the one on the left focuses more on the bigger picture — getting around the galaxy, finding contacts and so on. Slap bang in the middle of your ship are some very important additional elements. Over on the far left you can see the details of your current location, while just to the right of that is a representation of your current target. Objects like Stations will appear here, with arrows indicating the entrance bay. When targeting a star for the purposes of travel, it’ll appear as a dot — solid and bright when it’s directly in front of you, and dim when it’s to your rear. In the centre of your dashboard is your radar scanner which helps you keep track of local celestial objects, be they little bits of mining ore or enemy ships. To the right of this is a representation of your ship and its hull integrity. To the right of that is an indicator of where ship power is currently being focused, while you can check whether your landing gear or cargo scoop has been deployed to the far right of the screen. If Mass Locked is lit up, this means you’re too close to a massive celestial object to engage your star-drive — get further away and try again when the light goes out. Press 1 to bring up the left-hand element of your ship’s control panel. Hit the Spacebar to choose an option. Trust us, it gets more intuitive with practise.
Using the left-hand Target panel
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Elite Dangerous Store Page. Global Achievements. Okay, no exploit stuff here. Obviously anybody lucky enough to get their dirty hands on that easy money is crying because it’s been nerfed. I’m a bit of a noob. Played Elite Dangerous here and there but I’ve never actually done anything decent other than hunting Bounties. Showing 1 — 15 of 31 comments. There is no ‘cookie cutter’ best way to make money imo. Pretty much everything you do in-game generates credits, so try everything, find out what you enjoy the most and do that. I would say trading with all the external tools at your disposal to find good profitable routes. Mooncake View Profile View Posts. Well i am mining in a T10, my base is allied and gives lots of mining missions. I am only mining in metallic ring one jump away.
Put in Some Practice Within Solo Mode
What’s new New posts Latest activity. Log in Register. Search titles only. Word Count:. Search Advanced search…. New posts. Search forums. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Ways to make money. Thread starter Majaxx- Start date Feb 10, Hello, I’ve been inactive on Elite Dangerous for about months and would like to know what the best way of making money is currently. Void opal mining, just check the many threads popping up about this. Don’t listen to those saying that it’s best to mine other things because void opals are hard to find. They aren’t, once you get void opal mining down there is nothing else even close in terms of profit. What marklar said.. Void opal mining is where the moneys at.. Theres a few videos on youtube talking you through the process as mining has changed quite a bit from before.. Go get them credits son!! Marklar said:. I would have to say selling paintjobs and bobbles seems to be the best way to make money from Elite. Of course that only works for Frontier. For players, credit earning has been buffed so just about anything gets to credits fairly quickly with deep core mining for void opals clearly taking the lead right now. After 3. Only about ly, randomly picking my route and came back with about 40m cr. Not the highest it could have been. But higher than before. I’ve been doing passenger trips out of Robigo to Sothis. Check out ‘Down to Earth Astronomy’ videos on youtube. You not only make credits but the travelling gets you exploring brownie points as well.
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By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Having not played for a long time, finally picking up Horizons, and knowing Frontier likes to change how things work, I’m not sure what makes good money. Before I could Bounty Hunt and make pretty decent wsy in a short time frame, but the systems I used to frequent now aren’t offering as much and also my weapons don’t seem nearly effective as they used to be Mining was under heavy changes when I did play 2. Passenger missions seem somewhat profitable, but also very time consuming if I accidentally pick the «wrong» passenger. Basic Mission board seems to have some chunks of k for a quick delivery or something, which doesn’t seem like much Exploration was decent I’m guessing that means less bonus bank. EDIT: Now that 2. This the fastest way to make money elite dangerous 2020 is even more important with the «new threat» now joining us and Re-buy still being very high Edit 2: Updated again March to include new methods introduced in the Beyond patch, as well as remove information that was invalidated by that patch. Edit: This is an updated answer as of Feb I knew passenger missions were the fastest and most eltie missions, but I put it to the eliite and tried to find out what the upper limits. I reinforce the same momey here as my original answer but give I think some clearer examples dastest comparisons, plus a step-by-step explanation of my current money farming plan.
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