Making money from your sound recording involves the exploitation of that copyright. But what is your copyright? As we covered in our Copyright articlecopyright signifies the ownership of intellectual property by a person or group. In the case of a sound recording specifically, downloafed you own that recording, you have control over what happens to it. In fact, you can make quite a bit of money from your recording s. When you capture a composition in a medium that can be played back, that medium is the sound recording.
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A stream from downloads, one from streaming, one from YouTube, one from sync placements, one from live shows… The more you can diversify, the better. Learn how digital distribution through CD Baby can make you money. I live in Maine and like peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, a little too much. March 6, Streaming revenue from popular platforms such as Spotify , Apple Music , and more. CD and vinyl sales in record stores around the world. Music sales on Facebook. Music sales on your own website. Performance royalties when your songs are played on radio, TV, and in concert venues.
Music Resources
Spotify or Deezer? Soundcloud or Bandcamp? YouTube or Pandora? Free platforms like YouTube, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud simply require a sign-up, some time to build your personal account, and uploading your audio files. Obviously the advantages to this is price and access to fans. Bandcamp even lets you set a price and sell releases right from your page. But what about those digital music stores and streaming platforms that fans can subscribe to? Surely all one needs to do is send their music directly to them, right? The year is
10 Ways to Earn Money From Your Music
When you a write a song, it has the potential to be streamed, downloaded, printed, sampled, pressed, transmitted, re-transmitted, broadcast, re-broadcast and performed live. Basically, your music can be used in any which way possible, globally. One basic rule of thumb: the more people that hear your music, the more money it makes and the harder it becomes to track. With TuneCore Publishing Administrationwe ensure your songs are registered globally to make sure every single cent that is owed to you is collected.
To help you better understand how your music makes money, here is a list of the different royalties and potential revenue sources for your songs. A mechanical royalty is paid every time your song is reproduced. Simply put, every time your song is streamed on an interactive streaming platform like Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube, downloaded as an mp3 in a store like iTunes or Amazon, or sold on a physical product like a vinyl record or CD, your song has been reproduced and make money from my downloaded music due a mechanical royalty.
This formula for payment is based on a percentage of the digital services revenue less the performance royalty, which is paid via a songwriters performance rights organization. Individual writers are unable to join HFA direct and need to work with a publishing administrator to register those songs with HFA in order to collect their mechanical revenue. Of course, TuneCore Publishing Administration can handle that for you.
Examples of mechanical royalty revenue sources are as follows:. Performance royalties are generated every time your song is performed in public. The scope of public performance royalties is wide and varied.
Three main areas to cover radio, television and live. The PROs issue a blanket license to any entity who wishes to use their songs. A blanket license grants the music user wishing to license music the right to use any song from the catalogue of the associated PRO for the duration of the license.
The PRO then tracks the usage of the songs and pays through the royalties due from the performance of those songs. There are different PROs around the world, TuneCore Publishing Administration works in tandem with your local PRO in order to maximize the collection of performance royalties from the majority of these entities worldwide.
TuneCore Publishing Administration does this by registering your songs directly with these PROs which results in much faster and accurate payments of your international performance royalties. Print royalties are derived, as the name suggests, from the sale of printed music materials.
Lyrics, musical notation and music tablature all constitute a print royalty. While companies like Hal Leonard or Alfred Music Publishing create sheet music, or a company prints t-shirts with lyrics on them, they are required to pay a print royalty. TuneCore Publishing Administration has a team of experienced licensing professionals working to maximise the value of your catalogue.
Examples of print royalties are as follows:. There is no set rate and determining what an appropriate amount is takes form in a negotiation between the interested parties. There are multiple variables to consider when negotiating a sync fee : the type of media; how the music is being used is it a theme, end credit, background instrumental? TuneCore Publishing Administration has an experienced sync team who are able to negotiate these deals on your behalf ensuring the value for your songs is maximized.
Sync deals can be negotiated for the following:. Micro-sync is specifically referring to the mass use of music in User Generated Content. It is very important to note that a micro-sync revenue on a platform such as YouTube generates both mechanical and performance royalties. Royalties Earned By Your Songs When you a write a song, it has the potential to be streamed, downloaded, printed, sampled, pressed, transmitted, re-transmitted, broadcast, re-broadcast and performed live.
Mechanical Royalties A mechanical royalty is paid every time your song is reproduced. The mechanical royalty rate is a statutory rate set by the Copyright Royalty Board. For ringtones it is 0. For interactive streaming the rate varies.
Examples of mechanical royalty revenue sources are as follows: Interactive streaming when someone chooses to listen to your song e. Performance Royalties Performance royalties are generated every time your song is performed in public. Print Royalties Print royalties are derived, as the name suggests, from the sale of printed music materials. Our Playlist. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more about our privacy policy.
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Sync/License Tracks
Among other things:. How can it help you make your music career more financially sustainable? Here are four way to make money from your music website. I suggest you read mohey the bottom so you have all the info, then use as many or as few as you feel is necessary. This is the thing most musicians do to make money form their website: selling the products you personally make and provide. What monney of products I hear some of you asking? Well, any music you make is a product. So digital downloads of your songs, CDs you press up, and vinyl if you make. Other products you could also offer is merchandise. Lastly, tickets to come and see you at gigs will also fall under this category. Either do it directly from your own website, or as most dosnloaded do, do it via a third party ticket website and link to it from your own site.
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