When Deborah Borra showed up at Cornell University in to learn about the breeding business, equine reproduction specialist Dr. Chris Schweizer and Dr. Michelle Kutzler didn’t expect as they confessed to her later that she’d last a year in her new venture. Normandy Manor broodmare Bliss and her new foal. Photo courtesy of Deborah Borra. Deborah, a successful real-estate agent and a professional harpist, had recently acquired Brando, an year-old Swedish Warmblood stallion, and three broodmares. She was a long-time rider but had never owned a stallion or bred a mare. The years have proved the veterinarians whom Deborah now numbers among her best friends wrong: Her Normandy Manor Farm has grown from nine horses on three Long Island acres to 30 horses on a acre farm in western New York state. Brando succumbed to heart failure at 24, but the farm now stands Swedish stallions Kardinal and Falcon. Deborah’s success comes from her seemingly inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm and her systematic approach to the business end of breeding. She has educated herself and continues to in the veterinary and technical side of equine reproduction through courses at Cornell and with frozen-semen specialist Paul Loomis at Maryland’s Hilltop Farm.
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Your intentions and desire will be reality in your future. The Business of Making Money with Horses. By Don Blazer. Lesson Six. Broodmares are risky profit makers. This lesson is rather short, very blunt, and included only because broodmares are a major segment of the horse industry. I hope that introduction makes you think that I consider broodmares to be a very risky venture. However, broodmares admittedly can make you a lot of money. Sure, I know all the stories about all the big breeding farms which sell yearlings for hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars every year. And those stories are correct. Great mares are worth a ton of money. And the return on investment can be phenomenal. But they are few and far between. As the story goes, Miss Jelly Roll was sold as part of a package. Harriet Peckham wanted to buy a particular mare, and in order to get her, she had to take Miss Jelly Roll too. The price quoted was for two mares, and the seller would not change the price or the package. Peckham decided the one mare was worth the full price, and Miss Jelly Roll could come along as a freebie. The conventional approach is to breed Miss Jelly Roll and sell her foals. Now if you do get five goals to sell as yearlings, it takes no less than seven years of maintenance, insurance, breeding fees, etc. And as of this writing, Miss Jelly Roll has not been a profit producer and never will be, in the conventional sense. Most of the time in life we have to learn by experience. We tough something hot, it burns, and we know better the next time. Sometimes, as I have learned, you touch something hot a second time before you get the message.
Savvy Breeding Do’s and Don’ts
How to make money breeding Horses? Many people look at the horse business and wonder whether it is possible to make a profit while following their dreams. The answer is yes, but it takes good planning, good choices, good advertising, common sense and a lot of work. Sufficient grazing pasture and hayfields is a plus that will greatly increase your profit margin and that could make the difference, dependent upon your area and local hay costs, between making money and not. Start with what you can afford but invest in the best quality possible — well-conformed mares suited to the discipline you intend to breed for. You can also choose older mares who can be purchased at a deal at the end of their breeding career, but who still have a few years left to produce a few premium foals for you — choose broodmares who consistently produce high quality foals. Eventually your goal is to obtain fillies with breeding at the top of the game, whether initially bred by you or not. By ‘breeding up’, you ultimately create a decent broodmare band for yourself and you create horses who will sell for a decent dollar and thus afford you the ability to go out and buy the quality mares who are worth top-dollar. Talk to successful breeders to gain wisdom as to what bloodlines mix best, which are the most successful competitively, etc. Watch the up-and-comers and get foals out of them before others do this takes a good eye and a lot of knowledge. Compete your horses — your mares, your progeny, everything. Get your own name out there, your farm’s name, and your mares’ names and those of their foals. Take your mares and foals to the top of their discipline, if possible. This means winning multiple races and trying to get some valuable black type onto her pedigree. You need to know your business inside and out. This is not a business for the faint of heart, the inexperienced, or the non-equestrian. Do your research, do your time in the industry, and consult with the successful and wise. It costs just as much to feed and train ‘crappy’ and non-marketable mares as it does the quality ones, so feed and train up the quality ones who are going to earn your money back. It pays to be personable and to be a sponge open to learning! This is just an opinion with the aim to try help breeders or prospective breeders. I put up my horse for sale and she was sold in 2 days! Thoroughbred buyers and bloodstock agents can find the latest Irish horses for sale easily through ParadeRing. Irish thoroughbreds are known for their quality across the world and ParadeRing.
Raising Horses Is Not Cheap
Do you want to start a horse breeding farm from scratch? Or you need a sample horse breeding business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. If you love horses and just cannot do without going horse riding sometimes, then you may also consider turning your hobby into a money making venture. If you love being around horses or you love taking care of foals and horses, you can build a horse breading business or a ranch and earn quite a lot of money.
What does the horse breeding business really mean? A horse breeding business has to do with training foals until they mature to horses for sale. Some of the ways money is made here is by buying foals, training them to maturity and then sell them to people.
Some of the ways to make good money from your horse breeding business include the following; hiring out horses after they may have been trained as racing horses in your breed.
Also, you can make money by hiring out horses to professional horse jockey players. Some horse owners may not have the space and time required to train their personal horses and will not mind paying a ranch to take care of the horses for. Your ranch can charge the horse owners weekly or monthly to take care of the horses. How can you start your own horse breeding business you just might ask? Here is a horse breeding business plan and steps required.
The best way to get such experience is to work an intern in a ranch; it will help you acquire all the necessary knowledge needed to run your own ranch. Source for Capital. A horse breeding business is a capital intensive business; as you need money to buy or lease a large land space for your ranch. The best way to go about raising capital for building a ranch is via a loan from the bank or from an angel investor.
Bear in mind that profits do not start to roll in as soon as you start the business because the foals take some years to grow into full grown horses. So, you need to work out a repayment deal that will allow you enough time to pay up. You need enough space to enable you run this business; the horses should be given at least 1, meter square from each other and also there should be enough space for training the horses. So, look out for a good pasture land to serve as your ranch.
If you can build off the property, better; if not you have to ensure that you make a long term how to make money in the horse breeding business with the owner. You may consider the following when looking for a space; weather condition, source of water, and a ranch site that is free from dangerous animals that may be harmful to the horses. After, you have chosen a perfect site for your ranch, its time to construct the ranch. You can employ the services of a building Construction company to handle the project.
Remember, that the fencing should be built high enough to prevent the horses from strolling away, or from an authorized person coming to take them away, while the stalls should be warm enough to keep the horses warm during cold nights and also well ventilated. When your ranch is ready, you need to purchase the equipments you need to take care of the horses before purchasing the horses. They include; buckets, spade, shovel and horse forage.
Source for suppliers that can supply you forage in bulk quantities as at when needed because horses eat a lot. Also, make arrangement for horse supplements to add to forage. Employ Workers. You need extra hands to help out in running the ranch; some will be in charge of cleaning out the stables or stalls, some to take the horses out daily to train, and others for feeding the horses. Horses need to be given enough care, so past ranch working experience will be an added advantage for your business.
It is advisable that you go with a vet doctor to check out the foals to ensure that they are free from sickness and that they are of the best species. Order for the number of foals you need to initially run the ranch and remember to ask around for the type of horses that are popular and on demand in your location before making your purchase. Employ a Veterinary Doctor-: You have to employ a veterinary doctor to take care of the horses when they develop any kind of sickness or for checkups.
Horses are prone to sickness in their early stages of maturity, and the service of a veterinary doctor comes in handy. Advertise Your Ranch -: Some of the ways to advertise your ranch include. Would these tips really help to set things rolling? Toggle navigation Menu. Author Recent Posts. Ajaero Tony Martins is an Entrepreneur, Real Estate Developer and Investor; with a passion for sharing his knowledge with budding entrepreneurs.
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Is it possible to make a lot of money? The chances of losing are 90 percent. Whether you choose to race bgeeding breed, it is crucial to find an advisor with credentials and a proven track record to help you navigate your purchase. Prospective owners need someone to explain the basics, help orchestrate an investment approach, and decide on a stable and a trainer. Bloodstock agents, consultants and trainers can all perform this role. However, choosing the same person to be your advisor and trainer may not be wise because of the old all-your-eggs- in-one basket rule. Even though horse racing is speculative, it is smart to have a business plan. It is important to know how much money you can risk. You also need to identify your investment horizon goals. An initial investment can vary greatly depending on a horse’s age, pedigree and racing history. It increases your odds of having a winner. Hwo good advisor will also ensure that a new owner recognizes all of the fees involved. The purchase price is just the beginning.
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