Would you go on a shopping spree, put it in a savings accountor contribute to the latest trendy investment? Come up with a strategy to increase the chances of how can i make money with 10k on your capital. Shortcut: If you are really eager to start investing, one of our recommended choices is Betterment. They have no minimum balance, low fees and good returns. It’s a great choice for beginners and the app is very easy to use. Before you jump right into investing your money, take inventory of your financial life. Ask yourself the following:. Do you have a lot of personal debt? Do you have a k? Do you have an IRA? Pay Down Your Debts We don’t normally think of paying debts down as investing. But it can just as profitable, and sometimes more, in the long run. Here’s an example.
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That was, by far , the best check I ever wrote! If you want to be completely safe, you can invest the money in high-yielding CDs or a high-interest savings account. These days the best rates are coming from online banks. Online banks have all of the advantages of traditional banks, including a debit card and ATM access. M1 Finance is a brokerage where you can invest in stock and ETFs for no fees. This gives them the largest number of no-fee stocks and ETFs of any brokerage online. What puts them in the Robo-Advisor category is that they have pre-made and managed portfolios where you can invest your money, still with no fees, automatically. You can also create your own auto investments, making M1 Finance one of the more versatile ways to auto-invest. Invest with M1 Finance. What is Betterment? For example, the annual management fees just 0. And it drops to 0. Invest with Betterment. If you prefer fixed income investments to equities, peer-to-peer lending offers an opportunity to earn interest rates that are well above average. What these sites do is bring lenders investors together with borrowers, to create an open lending environment that cuts out the banks, and their high rates and restrictions. This results in what is often more flexible loan terms for borrowers, and much higher interest rates for investors than what they can get on even long-term certificates of deposit. There are various peer-to-peer lending sites on the web already, and more seem to be coming up all the time. But the best established of the lot is Lending Club. Some people who invest on the platform are reporting double-digit interest rate returns. Get a full explanation of how to use peer to peer investing in my Lending Club reviews for borrowers and investors. Invest with LendingClub. Real estate is an excellent investment, no doubt about it. One way to do it through real estate investment trusts REITs.
The Power of Consistent Investing
But take a moment to consider what that money could mean for your future and the financial security of you and your loved ones. If you were to save or invest that money with a specific goal in mind, it could potentially change your life for the better. Well, there are several factors to consider. For instance, whether the windfall was a one-off or recurring, your short-term and long-term financial goals, and your tolerance for risk. The frequency of such a large cash injection can help you determine how best to invest the money to ensure that you prosper from your decision in the future. If this is the case, you should apply the money to your highest priority financial goal to ensure it will make a meaningful difference in your financial needs. On the other hand, if this is a repeatable event like an annual, predictable bonus, you can be a bit more flexible in how you decide to save or invest the funds toward your needs, goals, or even wants. As such, you can be a bit more aggressive in your investment strategies, maybe opting to invest in stocks and bonds rather than placing the entire lump sum in an FDIC-insured savings account. After all, if you know that cash will be coming in, you can add it to your savings if necessary to make up for any market downturns. Are these goals short or long-term? The time horizon will impact how and where you should save or invest that money to achieve the maximum benefit. As such, high interest savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit CDs , and money market funds would be your best options. Short-term financial goals are generally those that you want to achieve within three to five years. These types of accounts are a wiser choice than your run-of-the-mill checking account, as your money can grow risk-free but still make money back for you. Usually, these types of accounts offer much higher rates of interest than a checking account — anywhere between 2. Perhaps you lose your job, or a family member suffers a serious medical emergency — you need to have the funds available to cover expenses should such a catastrophe occur in order to avoid incurring high interest debt that could seriously handicap your financial health. In contrast to an emergency fund, a rainy day fund is intended for shorter-term, one-off expenses. For instance, this fund is intended to cover things like:. Where to save: Pay off high-interest debt, place a small portion in a high-interest savings account. That means any debt with an interest rate over 5. For example, the average credit card interest rate as of November was a whopping Louis Federal Reserve. This might sound contrary to first paying down the high-interest rate debt. To help you stick to a newfound savings habit, think about automating a monthly deposit to your new savings account. Watching your savings grow bit by bit might be just the motivation you need not to get into consumer debt again. Finally, you might find yourself financially stable enough to start thinking about owning your own home. With time on your side, you can look towards investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other investments. Qualified expenses include things like tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. You can also find investments that are classified by risk tolerance, i.
Evaluate Your Goals to Determine How to Invest 10K
This is your destination for Instagram related discussions, Instagram photos, articles and much. If you 110k an Instagram, we want you! Please follow the Instagram TOS while posting. Posting about things that violate the TOS will get your post removed and possibly get you banned. These are against the Instagram ToS and your post will get removed and you will get banned. We have the weekly Introduction thread and there are many other opportunities to introduce. Post there or post a link to a picture you have taken.
There is now a weekly Introduction thread that will be stickied where you can introduce yourself and your profile and what you can. You can post in every thread as many weeks in a row as you want. Make it creative and introduce yourself, tell us what type of pictures you take. Because of the weekly Introduction thread, Automoderator will automatically remove any ‘Follow me, follow train, etc’ qith threads to keep the subreddit free of lots of spam posts.
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How much money does a 10 to 20k followers instagram account makes a month on average? Even moneu with 20k followers could be making almost nothing if they are accepting paid promotions. It really depends if people think your account is worth a fair amount of money to advertise on.
How ever, keep in mind that advertisements of lower quality can be more damaging in the long run to your account. Followers dont care to see promotions often, this content isnt engaged with all to much and ends up being more of a stain on your account than.
Even though I get several requests to advertise every day, I wouldn’t accept them unless I knew it was actually interesting that is assuming I were to accept these offers in the first place. A majority of «good» accounts with k followers dont reach that.
I see more accounts noney k followers mske 5k likes on average and reaching a few hundred thousand accounts per week than accounts of this size constantly being pushed out on the algorithm.
If you have k followers and 5k likes, then that means your account is dying and will soon be dead. Wondering who would pay that. My niche is Anime content with average likes being about k per post. Its a random value ii calm. I don’t accept promotions so it’s just a random number I use to give an idea on what could be. A lot of accounts that reach out to me aren’t willing to pay a ton of money, I’m sure a lot of accounts get these people so an estimate on the lower range is a theoretical value chosen based on these sorts of people, which I assume many accounts have asking to promote.
Not enough caan live off. This thread and title makes me so sad. Phrased that way it’s a great example of what is wrong with instagram and a two dimensional way to think about why Instagram is «profitable» in the first place. Instagram by itself isn’t a profitable thing. It’s a tool or stream by which you can show what you.
If what you are doing is cool watchable and worthy of being clicked, brands see that via mame. Simply wwith «hot af» and taking a picture to get free mame hasn’t been fresh for years.
They want to see some use of their product which is uniquely you. I’ve been doing this for 5 years with some of the world’s leading social media brands and that’s the best insight I can give you. Keep up the fantastic work! I’m saying a similar thing in my book «How to Be Yourself on Instagram» which is still in the making. Can I maybe ask you a few interview questions on occasion? Need input. I make almost 0. I always here about people with even smaller accounts that I own making hundreds per post.
That only happens every few months. Your niche for example. If you are on the fashion niche, an 80k account with a good engagement rate could go a long way. People are so clueless on this thread.
If your pictures are good and followers engaged Most of the marketers valuate 1 follower for 1US cent. My niche is promoting helicopter pilots and helicopters. Just not sure how to go about it, any advice would be great. Girls usually make more money because they can advertise stuff like Makeup, Lingerie, Spin brushes, Bikinis. You can still advertise products, just not as koney.
If your page has a specific niche, you can still make joney selling a product or service to your followers. Photographers sell Lightroom Presets Fitness People sell Workout routines and nutrition plans Some people have a patreon Some people have merch.
I know a girl who has 13K followers who makes her money selling her books and touring giving speeches And she lives comfortably. I doubt anyone is getting rich doing. But yes I’ve seen photographers trying to sell stuff like. If you have a decent following you could def make some money with that, nice filters are cah and people def would pay good money for that, why not.
It might be a blog or band or fitness thing, but having that many followers drives traffic toward your «store. That’s on top of the free products and travel I. Makd still work a full time job at the bank. When I had around k I was getting mostly getting paid with free products usually clothing.
With the odd money bonus here and. Monthly it depends if you have a consistent sponsor or one offs. Most people make 0. But howw on your niche, market and type monney account you could actually be making some money. I am not mad lol, I work for a company.
Mnoey do a lot of influencer marketing. I know what people usually charge. That k account we ended up paying 13k for 5 posts depending if the first one converted. And guess what, we made our money back and was worth it. Most companies will pay thousands to reach they many people.
You honestly should be reaching more people than half the shows on television. Poor you man. What is your reach of account If the account is in a profitable niche, then some people could be making money, but highly unlikely enough money that they could quit their job. The only thing you need to do is reach to brands. On average? I have over 20k and have ca barely. I don’t think the answer is straight forward.
I started getting offers when I was just over 5k. Wihh I think a lot of it has to do with your niche, joney of content, and engagement. Woth noteworthy. Now I mostly get offers to join someones creative collective or agency and then the possibility of work I never join.
Those agencies do it because once you join they can claim the possibility of reaching hundreds of k or millions of people. However I 10o believe that with over 10k you can make money if you work hard. I don’t do sponsored posts ever but I have done a lot hpw sponsored stories as well as sold content. Don’t expect people to reach out to you if they do they won’t be offering much at all.
Kake you can reach out to people all day. I have made a lot of sales taking photos for mae, restaurants, adventure companies but I had to reach out to. My profile was just monry portfolio I would refer them to in order to see my images. My IG username is ,ake. I manage 20 or so IG accounts, most over 20k. None of them make money directly selling sponsored posts. Some have a biz which mnoey sales via IG. Depends on a lot of things, but primarily will be the focus of the account.
I just hit around 35K and my account is food focused.
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Rob Berger. A few weeks ago in the Dough Roller weekly newsletterI asked the following question:. What surprised me about the responses were how similar they. Some invested for short-term goalssome for long-term goals. How would the answers be different? Why do we treat large lump sums of money different than small monthly amounts? We tend to treat larger amounts in a more thoughtful way. After all, how we handle small amounts of money has an impact on the bigger picture. You may be surprised. Betterment is one of several robo-advisors offering an easy and inexpensive way to invest.
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