I’m certainly not a fan of customer rip-offs, but even non-profits have to be cash-flow positive, or have deep pockets, to help anyone for long. Every business needs to develop a revenue model even before wha product. The alternatives range from giving the product away for free revenue from adsto pricing based on costs, to charging what the market will bear premium pricing. The implications of the decision you make are huge, including brand image, funding requirements, and long-term business viability. This may seem like Business Fundamentalsbut the market changes rapidly, so I thought it might be useful to share what I see as the most common revenue models being used by businesses today. As an experienced business advisor, here is my current summary, with some of the pros and cons or special considerations for each:. This is the most common model used by online businesses and apps today, the so-called Facebook model, where your service is free, and the revenue comes from advertis...