![best money making mod skyrim best money making mod skyrim](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZVB5MWlYj_U/maxresdefault.jpg)
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The Top Skyrim Mods You Should Try
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Hello, I would like an economical mod which let me earn gold or other stuffs by making my followers or NPC i hire working or doing stuffs. Do you know a mod like that? Last edited by tonic22 ; 30 Jan, am. Showing 1 — 15 of 15 comments.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Within minutes of your escape from Helgen, the question of earning Gold in Skyrim is going to be thrust upon you. The nearby bandit camp has a few minor treasures — you’re an archer, but maybe you could sell that Iron Warhammer? Then there’s timber to be chopped in Riverwood, and what about the Golden Claw? You get the point — opportunities to earn Gold in Skyrim are everywhere, and will present themselves, thanks to Skyrim’s radiant quest system, at just about any moment. But what are the main ways to earn Gold, and more importantly what’s the best way to make money in Skyrim? Whilst you can of course earn a self-sustaining amount of money in Skyrim from simply performing questions and generally keeping busy in the the world, there are also some more specific methods you can employ that will drastically improve you ability to rake in the Gold. First up in this section, we’ll be taking you through the one method we’ve found to be the most effective above all others — excluding cheats and exploits. It comes in the form of a crafting loop, which you can perform through a combination of Alteration, Smithing, Enchanting and Alchemy skills to make potentially thousands from pretty minimal investment. And yes we’re aware of how much that sounds like the opening line of a particularly uninventive a spam email, but bear with us — it does actually work. The alternative method to this is to, instead of crafting Dragonbone weapons, smith jewelry. This is possible to do much earlier in the game thanks to the ready availability of the Transmute Mineral Ore spell in a small bandit’s cave, which allows you to turn Iron Ore into Gold Ore, and in turn smith two Gold Rings from each Gold Ingot you smelt. Here’s the process for that:. If you want to make money in Skyrim without the grind of maxing your crafting skills first, there are, fortunately, several options available to you. Questing, looting, and generally just doing stuff in the world will provide you with a trickle of income that’s enough to cover the costs of your Health Potions and occasional new weapons. But there are some more specific quests, storylines and methods you can put into practice, and here we’ll explain some of the best non-max-level-crafting methods for you:. Yep, turns out tying the knot can actually earn you a nice regular income, with your spouse offering you Gold per day, every day, once you’ve wed. Take a look at our guide on how to get married in Skyrim for more details on how you can do that. Another crafting option, we know, but this way doesn’t require maximum level skills. Instead, you can do the following:. The downside here is that it’ll take some time to get to grips with the best recipes, but you will at least gain some great knowledge along the way. You can also use an alchemy calculator like this one to calculate the optimal potions from your current inventory, to help. The Thieves Guild, being what it is, can net you a fair bit of coin — but doing the main questline is also pretty time-consuming. We’ve put together a guide on how to join Skyrim Guilds and factions , including the Thieves Guild, and after you’ve done so you can talk to either Vex, or Delvin Mallory to take on some repeatable random jobs, which involve stealing certain objects and returning to your quest-giver for a reward. You can also normally clean up a fair bit of loot from each job through Pickpocketing and sneaking to find other items around the location. Stolen goods are only saleable to various fences, with a prominent one being located in the Honningbrew Meadery, south of Whiterun. Finally, Pickpocket in general is a very useful skill to have for earning money. We’ve put together a guide for maxing Pickpocket and the other Thief skills , and generally once you’ve hit a decent level it’s useable in almost any situation. Almost every NPC in Skyrim, for instance, will have at least one item of value on their person — normally jewellery — and stealing one from each NPC you meet can very quickly net a small fortune in saleable stolen goods, which can also be enchanted for additional profit with the methods above. Want more help with Skyrim? Find out how to join every guild and faction , how to earn Gold fast , learning about XP and levelling to , max Crafting skills , max Warrior skills , max Thief skills and max Mage skills , how to get married , where to buy a house , how to start Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLC expansions. If you’re on PC, we have a list of console commands and cheats , and you can learn about the remastered version and how to install mods with our Skyrim guide. Finally, with Switch owners, we have Skyrim amiibo support explained to help unlock special Zelda-themed items. Finally, completing the Dark Brotherhood main questline will result in a whopping 20, Gold reward, plus any of the money you earned from each quest along the way.
How to install Skyrim mods on PC and use Nexus mods
Show less Here’s a small guide containing numerous ways to get some monsy. Steal things and sell. Join the Dark Brotherhood.
Sell natural resources and items. Kill a dragon and loot it. Get married and set up a shop. Enchant daggers and then sell. To create skyrimm article, 67 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewedtimes. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy.
Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: November 7, Learn more Method 1. Use alchemy. It is by far the best way to make money in Skyrim. Mixing these two ingredients makes best money making mod skyrim potion that sells for gold depending on your alchemy and speech levels.
You can make well over 5, gold before even killing the first dragon. Method 2. Omney in good favor with the Jarl. Some things like jewelry cannot be taken without stealing. When you kill the dragon in Whiterun, you can not only buy a house, but take almost everything in his castle other than the things in bes wizard’s room.
Method 3. Stealing is one of hest main things people do in these games to get money. It’s easy. Wear ekyrim that increase your sneak so you can pickpocket with more luck. Go to bandit camps. If you don’t think you naking take them on by yourself, find a follower to get followers for free, just do their quest sand you can hire them with no charge, though with some you have to pay Usually, if you loot both bodies and houses, there is a fair dkyrim of money. Join the Thieves Guild in Riften.
Makinh thieves will buy anything, including your stolen things. Do besh thieves guild quest line. When you search riftweald manor, he has a stash at the end. Kill then loot. Kill someone and loot their house. Run out of their house and out of that town and into another town. Sell the loot you picked up to a salesperson and get the money. If you don’t want to mony your go experience go down, don’t do this part, as you must go into the town where that person’s is house.
Go back to the town that the person’s house is in and draw your weapon, then sheath it. A guard will come up to you and say «It’s time to pay for your crimes.
What say you in your defense? Sleep in the bedroll in the jail cell and you will get to keep your money. Method 4. Every time you report to the Dark Brotherhood after a murder, you get around coin. Complete the dark brotherhood; it gives you 20, gold. Join factions and do lots of quests.
Joining factions means doing quests, and quests usually are fair pay depending on the person and quest. Go to an inn and look skyrlm the drunk people.
Interact with them and they will usually bet you about makibg for a brawl. If you have the gloves that give you an extra 10 damage per strike you best money making mod skyrim down them in a couple of blows. Or if you are a Khajiit, punches are powerful because of your claws. Method 5. Chop wood.
You can chop wood, and sell it for about gold at most pubs and mills. Though it doesn’t pay a lot, you get 2 wood every time you chop one log, so each cycle, you chop 3 logs, so you get 6 firewood each time. Sometimes, animals will carry a small amount of coin from their last kill, or you can sell the pelts and meat for about coin depending on what kind of pelt it is for example, wolf pelts are usually more than, say, fox pelts, because wolf pelts are larger.
Do not fast travel. Instead, walk. You will run into tons of animals whose pelts you can. Make sure to craft your pelts. Use the tanning racks to turn the pelts into leather; craft the leather into bdst helmets at the forge; improve the leather helmets at the crafting table.
You will get tons of money and level up really fast. Collect dragon scale and bones. If you bought a house, save them in your chest every time you kill a dragon run between to makking They tend to add up or just save expensive armor and go out and look for more sell what you want to collect coins. Method 6. Do jobs. Usually the jobs you get from the local people in any town pay.
Easy, when you smith things, smith some extras and sell. This much improves the value of said item, or otherwise simply makes it a more practical piece. Kill a dragon. Whenever you kill a dragon, loot it.
It usually contains quite a bit of gold. The amount the dragon drops is dependent on the type of dragon it is. An ancient dragon drops more gold than a blood dragon, for instance.
Method 7. Go to dungeons. You’re thinking this one is too hard cause of draugrs and crap like that, right? Well it really depends on what gear you. Find mone Winterhold secret chest. There is a secret chest in Winterhold if you climb up some rocks directly to the left of the jarl’s longhouse. It generally has over gold and can be re-looted from time to time.
Occasionally finding this chest will spawn a mission called «Secrets of makimg Empire»worth it! Usually, Draugrs will drop from coin, and when you finish the boss battle, you can either disenchant the weapon you get, or you can sell it for usually about coin.
Method 8. Sell a lot. You’re probably bfst, well we know mooney But listen, look at the value of random things before besy pick them up such as ingots, clothing, weapons, potions, books. Try not to sell things you want like spell tomes, lock picks, or anything of that sort.
They usually sell ,od a lot. Scales are worthbones are worth
SKYRIM MOD QUICKIE #32 — Economy Mods
How to Apply Skyrim Mods
Other modding chat rooms. Mods for making money? Hey guys I’ve been trying to have a playthrough where I actually buy all the spells and things, but with apocalypse it’s a bit difficult, so many spells and I’m always broke. Do you have any mods that don’t resort in cheats or easy workarounds? I have all the landlord style mods, but it’s for the late game, I have trouble in the early game where you can start as a mage and still have two spells. There’s the Drunken Dragonsell as much loot as you want over time of courseonly costs gold iirc. I checked it out, definitely going to download, thank you! Only problem is the high price, I guess I’ll adventure a lot and sell bandit armors ahah. Just tweak your notice board payouts. Not technically cheating cause you still gotta complete the misson. Wasn’t aware it was an exclusive feature of this updated version I’m using. Ah sorry I forgot, I use the missives mod, which is a bit more broad, but I planned on using the notice board too if they don’t conflict. From the screenshots it doesn’t look like it, the boards aren’t in the exact same place. But that might’ve changed in the last few updates. EDIT: It also seems the author did that on purpose, anticipating that people would want to use the two mods together, which suggests there aren’t any other conflicts. The missive boards have been placed to be compatible with MannyGT’s own mod, so they can be used consecutively. Other city or town mods are likely compatible, it may just be difficult to reach the missive boards if stuff is placed over. I know what you’re saying.
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