![badass at making money quotes badass at making money quotes](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/6d/6f/9c6d6f336cd9c501f1528fa420ee5b13.png)
I found myself highlighting and taking notes while I read, and nodding and agreeing as I made my way through the book. And do it NOW. She currently lives in Seattle, WA with her husband and son. Error: API requests are being delayed for this account. New posts will not be retrieved. There may be an issue with the Instagram Access Token that you are using. Your server might also be unable to connect to Instagram at this time. Error: No posts. Make sure this account has posts available on instagram.
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If I wish to bring abundance into my life, I need to be specific about what I want. For example, she wrote:. And it would make you happy. The universe needs details too. It will respond, it always responds, but if you just focus on how awesome it would be to make more money, you may recieve ten bucks instead of the tens of thousands that would make a significant change in your life. The same goes for your life. If you know what you want, you need to shift your thoughts so that it reflects what you really want. So, reinforce your intentions with action. Success: Step by Step.
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Money is one of the most loaded, loved, and loathed topics known to man. Yet even though we use money every single day of our lives, we rarely stop to consider how we feel about it, speak about it, or what we truly believe. Or that in order to make money you have to work really hard doing stuff you really hate. Nobody gets to the top of the mountain without falling on his or her face along the way. We live in a fearful society that has perfected the art of doubting, weaned us on worry, and trained us to focus on everything that can or has gone wrong. Get specific on why you desire more money — what exactly will you spend it on? How much do all these things and experiences cost? The problem is that few things scare the crap out of human beings more than the unknown with the possible exception of death. But because leaping into the unknown is required for growth, you must view fear as the best compass ever. If you want to get rich, let your fear lead the way. Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality. I am grateful that money was there when I needed it once. So often when we get into freak-out mode about not having enough money, we focus our energy on paring down, shrinking back, denying ourselves, always saving, never spending. To this I say: Ho hum. Donate to your favorite causes and drink champagne. You are a mighty moneymaking machine who can create whatever reality you set your mind to. If your entire relationship with money is devoid of fun, money becomes something you fear and loathe rather than something to celebrate and enjoy. Obviously, this is not a free pass to live beyond your means. Figure out how much you need to afford the things and experiences that are important to you and set about with no-nonsense determination to make this money instead of cutting back. Strategize about seeking that raise you deserve. Search for a better, more satisfying, and higher paying job. Turn a hobby into a money maker. Provide a service that you see lacking in the marketplace. But have we really made a decision at all? If you desire to get rich, the number one most important thing you can do is decide for reals to get rich. This decision outweighs all excuses, fears, and distractions.
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— Erickson Bruan (@Smuggson_29) February 3, 2020
Top 20 Quotes About Money From Famous People that Can Change Your Attitude Towards Money
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I have always struggled with my mindset when it comes to money. While I’ve read books and watch tons of videos from self-help gurus to try and push past some of my money blocks, I couldn’t connect with the «fluff. I STAN for this book and recommend it to anyone who feels that they may have the slightest issues with money! Since this month we’re talking all about money here on the LOE site, I wanted to share a few things that this book has taught me and how it has changed my life for the better. So often we spend time focusing on what we badass at making money quotes have, focusing on what we feel that we are unable to do and what we don’t know, that we completely bypass and downsize the incredible gifts we have been given that could not only help us to truly badas a fulfilling life and get us out of our money badaass. In the book, Jen encourages you to tap into your baadss and begin to take action towards the life you crave. One of the causes of our money badasd that Jen mentions is the fact that the way we view those who desire qiotes money is often in bad taste. Makign just want a mansion and a huge yacht, they are greedy or they don’t value what’s important. Your words and thoughts have power. And the first step to fixing your relationship with money is being intentional about what you are saying and thinking. What you say is what you become and what you think is what you begin to believe. Stopping a negative thought or watching what you say literally has the power to completely reshape not only your confidence but your money story. In the book, Jen mentions «Universal Intelligence» as a higher power that we can tap into to begin believing bigger about money. You may call it being spiritual but I believe it to be God. According to Jen, money is energy. You have to be willing to get up and do what needs to be done to get the money and baxass the result of your work up to your badss. The key to becoming rich, is to connect that desire with a greater purpose. Yes, we all want more money but WHY?
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