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Skyrim spouse that makes the most money

skyrim spouse that makes the most money

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This article will argue that Mjoll the Lioness is the best spouse in Skyrim. It will likewise confer detailed information on how to locate and marry her. Most spouse benefits are general regardless of the individual married. These benefits include:. On top of these benefits, certain spouses like Mjoll are available as followers, which makes them walking, talking sources of revenue. What truly sets Mjoll apart from other followers, though, is the fact that she is an essential NPC. This means you cannot accidently kill her. Mjoll also acts as a tank in combat; allowing you to do your own thing while enemies attack her. This makes bartering with them essentially useless unless you happen to be stopping home to conduct some sort of business. I usually make Mjoll carry things until we get back home, at which point I take the stuff back and sell it right to her. One downside to Mjoll is the fact that you cannot abuse her as a trainer like some other follower spouses think of Companions. I will occasionally send Mjoll home while I train with other followers, only to steal the gold back out of their inventories and toss them aside. I do not consider these followers to be as good as Mjoll, because training is only temporarily beneficial, while immortality is forever. First reach level If you want to expedite reaching that level, follow the guide this link provides and you will find valuable information, tips, and links to help you level efficiently, as well as a plethora of other advice. Next, travel to Riften. You will likely run into Mjoll walking around during the day. Talk to her a lot, and she will eventually tell you about her lost sword, Grimsever. This will begin a quest to retrieve Grimsever from a Dwemer Ruin, Mzinchaleft. You’ll need to take down a Centurion, so you may want to consider bulking up a bit anyway. After retrieving the blade, head back to Riften and talk to Mjoll again. Recruit her as a follower, and take her to the Temple of Mara, conveniently located in Riften. There talk to Maramal about marriage. He ought to sell you an Amulet of Mara, which you should purchase. Follow quest directions from there. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

Acquiring Mjoll as a Wife

Housecarls will be wiling to wed you as soon as they enter your service, mercenaries must be hired first, and other candidates have fetch quests or other requirements. It does not have to be an amulet purchased from Maramal, any amulet of Mara will do. Others appear at random throughout the game. Choose your spouse wisely. There are no Bosmer wood elves or Khajiit cat people to marry, at all, male or female, unless using mods or console commands. Aela and Njada are both Nords and trainers, in archery and blocking respectively. Ria is an Imperial. Vilkas is a two-handed trainer, follower, spouse and steward. Farkas is a heavy armor trainer, follower and spouse. Both are level capped at Torvar is a potential follower and spouse who is a surly drunk. All three are Nords. All are possible spouses, stewards and followers who will defend you unto death. They are all level capped at 50, so should be able to stick with you through most of the game, assuming you continue to improve their weapons, armor and other gear. There are several gray-skinned Dunmer to marry, perhaps because of the popularity of Morrowind? Avrusa Sarethi is an alchemist with her own farm. Brelyna Maryon is an apprentice mage at the College of Winterhold no bonus house there and she can also be a follower, level cap Jenassa is a mercenary follower living in the Drunken Huntsman, level cap Romlyn Dreth is a bootlegger with a small home under the city of Riften.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Ysolda, in Whiterun, maybe? Honestly, the selection isn’t diverse enough to make a clear-cut best. Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don’t have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: RidleyRocks. Sane is just the name for the kind of crazy that most people are. User Info: hiddenperson.

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There are many ways to create a virtual business in Skyrim and make a lot of gold. Players just starting out should refer. The objective of this guide is to make significant amounts of gold using methods that are not immediately obvious. When crafting potions, enchanting items, and improving items, your skill level has an impact on the strength of the final item and thus its value, so use potions and apparel that fortify the appropriate skill for maximum profit.

You do not need to have crafting skills at in order to make money in Skyrim; just use the best potions and enchantments that you can in order to maximize profit as much as possible. The player who has crafting skills at and all relevant perks, may increase their skill level to the maximum limit by utilizing the following tips:. Spose can be improved further skyrim spouse that makes the most money vampirism and the Necromage perk.

Note that this is only possible with Dragonborn, as a Fortify Enchanting bonus from wearable items otherwise doesn’t exist. Quick Explanation: After completing a quest, use Smithing to improve looted armor and smyrim at a Workbench or Grindstone before selling. Quick Explanation: Use Soul Gems to put valuable enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and jewelry, then sell. Smelt them into Ingots and forge them into jewelry.

Finally, sell monfy. Quick Explanation: Explore Dwarven Ruins to acquire Dwemer metal pieces mkaes can be smelted into Dwarven Metal Ingots and then crafted into Dwarven weapons and armor to sell.

Fortify Barter bonuses are available via potions, items, and altars, and they stack. They do not increase maeks Speech skill but directly improve the prices you get jost buying or selling items. Consistent application of these bonuses will have a major skyfim on wealth.

The quantity of desirable loot found throughout the game can be increased by certain passive bonuses. Try every mooney to see what works best for your sktrim style. In terms of profit, inventory space, cost of ingredients, time required, and so on, there is no more efficient way to make money than Alchemy. Each single potion weighs 0. No other method can yield so much gold in so little time spent collecting the needed parts.

Alchemy only requires that the player buy the available ingredients from an alchemist merchant and immediately craft the potions to sell back to the merchant for quick profit. Additionally, with the Merchant Perka player can carry these low-weight, high-value potions to any other merchant to be used in exchange for any item offered, or to just empty the merchant of gold.

One achievement is directly related to making money:. Jump to: navigationsearch. This guide should not be used to suggest any cheats or exploits for making money. Skills in Skyrim. Category : Skyrim-Hints. Personal tools Create account Log in.

skyrim spouse that makes the most money
In Skyrimyou have the option of mst an NPCregardless of race or gender. To do so, you must complete the quest The Bonds of Matrimonywhich involves speaking with Maramal about marriage and wearing an Amulet of Mara which signifies that you are available to be married. Once you have found an NPC who also wishes to be married, and whose disposition towards you is high enough, you can gain their consent to marry you and then attend the wedding ceremony at the Temple of Mara. After the wedding, if you speak with your new spouse, you can determine where ,oney will live. If you own propertyyour spouse can move in with you; alternatively, if your spouse owns property, you can move in with. Spouses will provide a variety of benefits after marriage, such as homecooked meals. When you marry, your spoues becomes protected. There are several ways to obtain an Amulet of Mara. The simplest way is to head to the Riften Maked of Mara and buy one from Maramal for gold, but they will also show up in random loot and at merchants. You receive one during the Book of Love quest, which you keep when completed. You will not be able to marry anyone until you have spoken to Maramal about marriage, even if you mkes already obtained an amulet from somewhere. Maramal can be found in the Temple of Mara, but will initially be moneh in the Bee and Barb. When you approach an eligible NPC, they may mention the amulet skyrim spouse that makes the most money are wearing. In order for this option to become available, you must complete their objective. Even if a character is flagged as marriageable, the Radiant AI system may not allow you to marry said character even if you have completed their objective, so it’s best to have at least one mone candidate. You can then ask if they are interested. They will respond and ask if you are interested as .


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