Lassie became a movie star despite starting life as a spirited, unwanted pup. In Rudd Weatherwax and his brother, Frank, had just started their own Studio Dog Training School, opting to run their own how much money did lassie make rather than continue to work for. A man who was having difficulty with his puppy wanted to bring the dog to the School for training. The only remaining problem was that Weatherwax had not yet ended the motorcycle-chasing. That was still going to require some work. Would Weatherwax take the dog instead of the ten dollar payment? Weatherwax had grown up with a collie, so it was easy to say yes. Eventually he was to find that this was jake best deal he ever. The Weatherwaxes lasssie had forty dogs in their kennel, several of which were quite busy with film work. Bob loved to roam the property, so Weatherwax trained Lassie to dod and find him and bring home when it was time for dinner. Uow Lassie located the boy, he gently took his arm, and Bob knew it was time to go home. This training was to come in handy in film work. When a neighbor dropped laesie on his way to his ranch and suggested he take Pal with him, Weatherwax saw no reason to deny the dog a good time. Several days after Lassie left, Weatherwax was scanning the ads and noted that Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was holding auditions for a dog to appear in a starring role in an upcoming film.
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Pal was born in California in and eventually brought to the notice of Rudd Weatherwax , a Hollywood animal trainer. Following his film debut, Pal starred in six more Lassie films for MGM from the mids to early s, then appeared briefly in shows, fairs, and rodeos around the United States before starring in the two pilots filmed in for the television series, Lassie. Pal retired after filming the television pilots, and died in June He sired a line of descendants who continued to play the fictional character he originated. In , The Saturday Evening Post said Pal had «the most spectacular canine career in film history». Because of his large eyes and the white blaze on his forehead, Pal was judged not of the highest standards and sold as a pet-quality dog. Howard Peck, an animal trainer, brought the eight-month-old collie to Hollywood animal trainer Rudd Weatherwax in order to break the animal of uncontrolled barking and a habit of chasing motorcycles. Peck was disappointed with the results and gave the dog to Weatherwax in exchange for the money Peck owed him. The first MGM «Lassie» film was planned as a low budget, black and white children’s film. Pal was among 1, dogs who auditioned for the title role, but was rejected because he was male, his eyes were too big, his head too flat, and a white blaze ran down his forehead. A female prize-winning show collie was hired to play the title character. Weatherwax was hired to train the star, and Pal was hired as a stunt dog. During the course of filming, a decision was made to take advantage of a massive flooding of the San Joaquin River in central California in order to obtain some spectacular footage for the film. The female collie was still in training and refused to enter the raging waters created by the flood. Weatherwax was on the site with Pal and offered to have his dog perform in a five-stage shot in which Pal would swim the river, haul himself out, lie down without shaking the water off his coat, attempt to crawl while lying on his side and finally lie motionless, completely exhausted. Weatherwax said director Fred M. Wilcox was so impressed with Pal during the sequence that he had «tears in his eyes. Pal went through his paces with enthusiasm, rarely required multiple retakes, and did his own stunt work. In his earlier years with MGM, Rudd Weatherwax was assisted by Frank Inn , [10] [11] who, for fourteen years, trained Lassies [7] and later supplied animals for the Lassie television series. Following The Painted Hills in , MGM executives felt Lassie had run her course and planned no future films featuring the character. MGM executives then sought a way to break Weatherwax’s contract. Weatherwax was concerned about protecting Pal and the Lassie image he had created from future diminishment at the hands of others. Following their departure from MGM, Pal and Weatherwax went on the road performing an minute program at dog shows and department stores. Television producer Robert Maxwell convinced Weatherwax that Pal’s future lay in television. Together, the men created a boy-and-his-dog scenario about a struggling family on a weatherbeaten farm in Middle America. The field for the role of the boy in Lassie was narrowed to three young actors, but the final decision was left to Pal. After spending a week with the boys at Weatherwax’s North Hollywood home, Pal seemed to like eleven-year-old Tommy Rettig more than the other two. Rettig won the role based on Pal’s response, and filming for the two pilots began in the summer of , with Pal portraying Lassie in both. After viewing the pilots, CBS executives immediately signed the minute show to its fall schedule.
2. Rin Tin Tin
Answer: All nine Lassies have been male dogs. Although in the movies and on television, Lassie was cast as a female dog. All of the Lassies were descendants of Pal, the first Lassie, who died in Since then the Lassies have been in order : Lassie Jr. A: Mature female collies go into heat twice a year and shed a large part of their coats during that time. That ruins the dog’s appearance for as much as a third of the year. A: Howard made his debut at the Tournament of Roses Parade. Currently, the 2-year-old dog spends most of his time making personal appearances, although the great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of Pal is preparing to star in the next Lassie movie. A: Aha! A trick question. The directors first hired a pedigreed female collie for the role of Lassie in the movie Lassie Come Home. But when the dog refused to swim a river, they turned to Pal, a collie trained by Hollywood animal trainer Rudd Weatherwax. A: No. For fight scenes and other roughhousing, Weatherwax usually used one of Lassie’s siblings to avoid messing up the star’s coat. Then in , a lot happened to Lassie’s family. Gramps died, and Lassie brought home a runaway kid named Timmy Jon Provost. Jeff’s mother discovered that she couldn’t run the farm alone. By , Ruth was being played by June Lockhart. The cast remained much the same until when the Martins sold the farm and moved to Australia, leaving Lassie behind to work with forest rangers. A: While the actors did a scene, the dog’s trainers were on stepladders just out of camera view, calling to Lassie and showing the dog where to look. That way, it appeared that Lassie listened as the actors talked to her. A: Generations of Lassies have had pet dogs so they don’t get lonely while traveling on promotional tours. A: Through the magic of rubber stamps. Rudd Weatherwax created a plaster cast of Lassie’s foot, which was then turned into an ink stamp — which MGM personnel used to «pawtograph» hundreds of thousands of publicity photos. A: A homemade stew made of steak, vegetables and garlic, with a side dish of cottage cheese. The stew recipe was later used by Campbell’s to launch Recipe Dog Food, which even featured Lassie on the label. When Lassie travels, she eats canned Dinty Moore beef stew. Own a piece of history! Q: Why are only male dogs used?
2. Keiko: Net Worth $36 Million
Sign In. Lassie Come Home Hide Spoilers. Ron Oliver 30 September A magnificent British collie struggles to cover the hundreds of miles that separate her from the family she loves. Crafted with care by MGM and based on the classic novel makr Eric Knight, it will strike a warm response in the heart of anyone who has ever loved a dog. The production values are first rate and xid color photography is spectacular. It might be worth the viewer’s time to check the relationship of the Howw Moors with the Scottish Highlands on a map, so as to better appreciate the phenomenal journey which the now undertakes.
Pat O’Malley portrays the brutal dog handler employed by the Duke. He didn’t think much of his children’s book, Lassie Come-Home and was very surprised at its great success.
Knight joined the Didd States Army and rose to the rank of Major. Working with an Army film unit under the direction of Frank Capra, Eric Knight was tragically killed in a plane crash off the coast of Suriname on January 15, Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Lassie makes a remarkable screen debut. Under the guidance of trainer Rudd Weatherwax, the dog will become one of the most popular and enduring animal «stars».
It’s easy to see why, in «Lassie Come Home». The collie, and its descendants, performed this basic role for some mucb to come. Crisp loses his job, and can’t afford to keep the pet. Though Lassie is sold, his real emotional «owner» is the boy Joe, played by Mr. McDowall’s performance is terrific, and mmoney others are no less than competent. The MGM color cinematography is gorgeous, and the story understandably sentimental.
Interestingly, Elizabeth Taylor appears in her second film role; she will become Lassie’s owner for the third series film, «Courage of Lassie» If «Lassie, Come Home» doesn’t raise some emotion, you may not be human. Judie64 14 August I love this movie. If I even watch a minute of it I’m guaranteed to.
My favourite bit where I’m really howling my eyes out is near the end when Lassie has arrived at the cottage, looking like she’s been through the wars, well, if you watch the movie, you’ll know that she has!. The mother of the house attempts to feed her the last bit of food that they have in the house. The Lord who has bought the dog comes looking for lassie on the off chance that she will have traveller the hundreds of miles to be where she truly nake.
Then the clock strikes four on the mantelshelf and Lassie who looks like she is unable to walk the length of herself gets up and makes her way limping pathetically toward the door. By this time I’m working my fid through the tissue box, howling «God love her» The mum and dad try to dissuade her but she keeps scratching at the door until it’s opened. It all works out in the end, the Dad gets his monsy with the lord looking after the dogs, Lassie has pups and the boy becomes friends with the lord’s granddaughter.
This movie should only momey watched by people who enjoy a good greet! I was mxke to hate this film. After all it’s a kids film I’m I was surprised at cid much I enjoyed it!
It’s one of those few films that works for both adults and children. It’s in color which was rare in the early shas a simple story and never becomes too sentimental or childish. Best of all though, is Lassie. I don’t know how they did it, but the dog actually a male dog named Pal gives in an astonishing performance. Just the expressions on her his face tells you what she he is thinking! Also has a great ending that is very moving in a good way. Very well woth seeing. Only complaint—the color in this film is so washed out!
Why doesn’t someone restore it? This story is about the bond between a boy and his dog. Lassie is sold by the boy’s father hiw of hard times, and Lassie makes a long journey to be back at her master’s side. It’s a touching and beautiful story for children, and it was my favourite story for a while when I was much, much younger. I have forgotten much of this story now, but I have not forgotten how much I used to watch this film, over and over again on the old VHS.
I think that all children should lasise the opportunity to watch ‘Lassie Come Home’. I’m not going to say much about this movie BUT the end is what lassi want to talk. I’m a guy so it humbles me a little to make the following comment: It makes you so happy to see that Lassie has overcome the most impossible odds just to meet Muc at school, Ya just start bawling like a lil baby! I’m sure that when MGM was filming Lassie Come Home they were not aware they would be setting up the foundation of a collie franchise.
Mcuh film obviously was meant to be a B picture filler as none of MGM’s big box office names were used. But the story of the loyal collie dog who traveled over miles from Scotland to Yorkshire to return to his young master struck a nostalgic chord in the English speaking world.
What MGM did do for this film was use location footage, most likely in California and film it in Technicolor. Doing that made the film a classic and wanted by today’s market which disdains black and white. Two young future stars Roddy McDowall and Elizabeth Taylor are in this as children and they are an appealing pair.
In fact if you take away the two child stars, this film may just have the oldest average age of any mkney cast. Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy McDowall formed a lifetime friendship from this film. She also became very attached to Donald Crisp who became a father figure for her until his death in The plot is a simple one.
Because he’s out of work and needs the money for food on the table, Donald Crisp sells the pure bred collie to Lord Nigel Bruce who takes him from Yorkshire to Scotland.
But Lassie ain’t having this and escapes and makes the journey to what she considers home. The story is about her adventures on the way. Lassiie over 60 years Lassie is still appealing to children of all ages. Doylenf 16 April Mzke not to worry. The bond is so strong that Lassie swims rivers, climbs mountains, fights other dogs, and makes his way through miles of picturesque pastoral countryside to return to his master after the long trek from Scotland.
And by the end of the film, his devotion to the boy is so overwhelming that the Duke pretends not to recognize the dog as the one he bought. Elizabeth Taylor, at eleven, makes a touching appearance as Nigel’s niece, sympathetic to the plight of the dog who has rejoined his master.
If this one doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you have a heart of stone. Lassie is a natural and performs everything on cue brilliantly—you almost feel he’s living the. All of moneg performances are ingratiating how much money did lassie make the technicolor photography cannot be faulted. Handsomely produced and perfect family entertainment.
I love dogs so this movie is probably the best ever of showing the courage and love of a dog. This film is set in a little Yorkshire town. Two of the great character actors Donald Crisp and Edmund Gwenn as Sam Carraclough and Rowlie Palmer respectively add so much to the «feel» of this film. Carraclough family needs money so sell the only thing of worth, a dog named Lassie to Nigel Bruce «the Duke.
The dog is taken to Scotland and Ohw must escape in order to «come home» to Joe. There is a great river to swim to reach England but Lassie does it. The cost is great, she is near death ma,e an old couple care for her and nurse her back to health. But something is wrong, at pm each day she must leave somewhere? The couple gave her freedom for the journey home. Little Toots is better than a wife for Rowlie because she dkd neat, clean and gives no back check to Rowlie. Poor Toots is killed trying to save her master.
Finally Lassie makes it home. Damaged, injured and a wanted dog, she braves mzke it takes to get home. But wait, she belongs to di Duke not Joe, can the humans in the story arrange a proper home for Lassie?
Tune in to this classic and find. Scoval71 9 February A classic. A dear story of a impoverished English family who has to sell their prized possession, a collie dog named Lassie, to make ends meet. I never tire mney seeing this movie whenever it plays, even though Muhc own the DVD.
Make sure to get out a handkerchief or some tissues for, surely, laesie will be tearful, if not totally slobbering. Ohw is that touching and endearing. It is without time constraints, veneer or facade.
Some animal actors receive a hefty fee for their performances, and that pay would make any human drool. Who are the highest paid animal actors? Check these. Rin Tin Tin earned Warner Brothers so much money, in fact, that he was responsible for bringing the studio back from the brink of bankruptcy in Rin Tin Tin became a beloved movie icon and was rumored to have received the most votes for the Academy Award for Best Actor inbut the Academy would only give the award to a human. The original Rin Tin Tin died in Keiko the Whale. This killer whale made a killing financially, thanks to his depiction of Willy in the Free Willy films. Eventually, Keiko gained his own freedom inas he was returned to the open ocean. Sadly, Keiko died how much money did lassie make in Norway from a bout with pneumonia, but his work lives on after his passing. Bart the Bear. Bart was an Alaskan brown bear of the Kodiak bear subspecies. Pal lived until the ripe old age of 18, but passed away in He sired a long line of Rough-Coat Collies that would follow in his footsteps by how much money did lassie make the legendary Lassie. As he became older, his son Enzo eventually took over the role. Moose passed away from natural causes in at the age of
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