Imagine a gangster, crime lord or drug lord and you probably think of bloodshed, guns, fast money and a rich lifestyle. Gangsters are also known to make a lot of money, even though the ways they do so often lack legitimacy. From drug trafficking to different forms of financial scamscrime is extremely lucrative. It is claimed that Capone was employing over gangsters to protect his business from rival gangs. Pablo Escobar Pablo Escobar controlled the majority of the cocaine in Colombia and built his wealth by flooding the U. Forbes named Escobar one of the richest men in the world seven years in a row. ByEscobar controlled an estimated 40 percent of the Medellin drug cartel ‘s business. According to CelebrityNetWorth. Frank Lucas Frank Lucas had a unique business model.
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His fixture in popular culture is largely thanks to countless books, movies, and songs. Escobar, the son of a farmer and a schoolteacher, began his life of crime while still a teenager. According to some reports, his first illegal scheme was selling fake diplomas. He then branched out into falsifying report cards before smuggling stereo equipment and stealing tombstones in order to resell them. Escobar also stole cars, and it was this offense that resulted in his first arrest, in His lavish lifestyle included private planes, luxurious homes see below , and over-the-top parties. In some cases, it was simply lost. The estate—the front gate of which is topped by the plane he used on his first drug run to the U. After his death in , most of the animals were transferred to zoos. However, four hippopotamuses were left behind. They soon multiplied, and by upwards of 40 lived in the area. The potentially dangerous animals have damaged farms and inspired fear in locals. Authorities began castrating male hippos in an effort to control the population.
He was earning $420 million every week.
AFP The «King of Cocaine» was the son of a poor Colombian farmer, but by the time he was 35, he was one of the world’s wealthiest men. Source: The Daily Beast. Source: Forbes. The Colombians and their American counterparts would airdrop loads of blow out to sea, from where it would be rushed ashore in speedboats, or even fly it right onto the Florida mainland and let it crash down in the countryside,» Grillo wrote. Source: GQ. Escobar’s immense wealth became problematic when he couldn’t launder his cash quickly enough. Escobar simply had more money than he knew to do with, so haphazardly losing money to rodents and mold wasn’t an issue. While hiding or destroying the exorbitant amount of money was one issue, the brothers faced another, more elementary problem: neatly organizing the banknotes. Source: Don Juan magazine. In , Escobar was incarcerated in his self-designed prison he named «La Catedral. He could also continue to run his cartel business and receive visitors. La Catedral was equipped with a soccer field, barbecue pit, and patios and it was nearby another compound he built for his family. Also, the Colombian authorities were not allowed within 3 miles of his prison. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person’s head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile. Login Subscribe. My Account. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Amanda Macias. Escobar made the Forbes’ list of international billionaires for seven years straight, from until In , he was listed as the seventh-richest man in the world. He smuggled about 15 tons of cocaine into the US every day. In other words, of the Americans doing cocaine, four out of five were snorting lines supplied by «El Patron. He was nicknamed «Robin Hood» after handing out cash to the poor, building housing for the homeless, constructing 70 community soccer fields, and building a zoo. He cut a deal with Colombia to be imprisoned, but in a luxurious prison he built and named «La Catedral» — the cathedral. Features Cartels King of Cocaine Medellin.
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In the early s, he began to work for various drug smugglers, often kidnapping and holding people for ransom. Escobar’s infiltration into the U. As a result, he quickly became one of the richest people in the world, [3] [4] but consistently battled rival cartels domestically and abroad, leading to massacres and the murders of police officers, judges, locals, and prominent politicians, [5] making Colombia the murder capital of the world. In the parliamentary election , Escobar was elected as an alternate member of the Chamber of Representatives as part of the Liberal Alternative movement. Through this, he was responsible for community projects, such as the construction of houses and football fields, which gained him popularity among the locals of the towns that he frequented. However, Escobar was vilified by the Colombian and U. In , Escobar surrendered to authorities, and was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on a host of charges, but struck a deal of no extradition with Colombian President Cesar Gaviria , with the ability of being housed in his own, self-built prison, La Catedral. In , Escobar escaped and went into hiding when authorities attempted to move him to a more standard holding facility, leading to a nation-wide manhunt. His brother, Roberto Escobar , denies this, instead claiming that the gravestones came from cemetery owners whose clients had stopped paying for site care and that he had a relative who had a monuments business. Escobar studied at the University for a short period, but left without obtaining a degree. Escobar eventually became involved in many criminal activities with Oscar Benel Aguirre, with the duo running petty street scams , selling contraband cigarettes, fake lottery tickets, and stealing cars. In The Accountant’s Story , Roberto Escobar discusses how Pablo rose from middle-class simplicity and obscurity to one of the world’s wealthiest men. Beginning in , Pablo started developing his cocaine operation, flying out planes several times, mainly between Colombia and Panama, along smuggling routes into the United States. When he later bought fifteen bigger airplanes, including a Learjet and six helicopters, according to his son, a dear friend of Pablo’s died during the landing of an airplane, and the plane was destroyed. After many months of legal wrangling, he ordered the murder of the two arresting officers, and the case was later dropped. Roberto Escobar details this as the point where Pablo began his pattern of dealing with the authorities, by either bribery or murder. Roberto Escobar maintains Pablo fell into the drug business simply because other types of contraband became too dangerous to traffic. As there were no drug cartels then, and only a few drug barons, Pablo saw it as untapped territory he wished to make his own. Soon, the demand for cocaine was greatly increasing in the United States , and Escobar organized more smuggling shipments, routes, and distribution networks in South Florida , California , and other parts of the country. According to his brother, Escobar did not purchase Norman’s Cay; it was, instead, a sole venture of Lehder’s. With the enormous profits generated by this route, Escobar was soon able to purchase 7. The luxury house he created contained a zoo , a lake, a sculpture garden, a private bullring, and other diversions for his family and the cartel. At one point it was estimated [25] that 70 to 80 tons of cocaine were being shipped from Colombia to the United States every month. Roberto Escobar also claimed that, in addition to using planes, his brother employed two small submarines to transport the enormous loads. In Escobar was elected as an alternate member of the Chamber of Representatives of Colombia , as part of a small movement called Liberal Alternative. The production process was also altered, with coca from Bolivia and Peru replacing the coca from Colombia, which was beginning to be seen as substandard quality than the coca from the neighboring countries.
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All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, makr with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions. Asked in Athletes How much money does Eduardo Escobar make? Asked in Athletes How much money does Yunel Escobar make? They were alot of money! Asked in Athletes How much does Alcides Escobar weigh? MLB player Alcides Escobar weighs pounds. Asked in Athletes How much does Eduardo Escobar weigh?
MLB player Eduardo Escobar weighs pounds. Asked in Athletes How much does Edwin Escobar weigh? MLB player Edwin Escobar weighs pounds. Asked in Athletes How much does Yunel Escobar weigh? MLB player Yunel Escobar weighs pounds. How much money does directors make? NFL player Gavin Escobar weighs pounds. Put it like this in before his pqblo he had a personal wealth of around 30 billion. He was the sixth richest man in the world before death he was worth more than bill gates.
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Brittany Moon was very considerate to Pablo Picasso, she was also very pretty but she was sometimes fed up of Pablo Picasso because he was always drawing. They did love each other very much, Pablo was very rich but never used his money that. Asked in African-American History How much money does madam c. How much money did Nike make in ? How much money did pablo escobar make every day much money did nike make in ?
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The Absurd True Scale of Pablo Escobar’s Wealth Visualized
How much money was left after the death of Pablo Escobar?
Escobar eclipses just about every drug kingpin in history. He started from nothing and in as little as a couple decades, became one of the most powerful men in the world. Along the way, he did some truly staggering things:. Want to learn more facts about Pablo Everj Check out this documentary about his life entitled ‘The King Of Coke’:. Enjoy these fascinating Pablo Escobar facts? Then check out our other posts on amazing facts and then check out these insane pblo instagram photos from Mexico’s most feared cartels. And before you go, be sure to like All That’s Interesting on Facebook! By All That’s Interesting. From his pet hippos roaming Colombia to uow grisly details of his death, these fascinating Pablo Escobar facts reveal history’s most feared drug lord. Like this gallery? Share it: Share Tweet Email. At his extravagant estate in Puerto Triunfo, Escobar also built a private zoo filled with hippos, giraffes, elephants, and other animals. Hippos still roam the grounds today. Escobar was responsible for killing about 4, people, including how much money did pablo escobar make every day estimated judges and 1, police, journalists, and government officials. In the s, Escobar’s Medellin cartel was responsible for 80 percent of the cocaine that was sent to the United States. Before getting into the drug trade, Escobar sold stolen tombstones to smugglers and was also into the business of stealing cars. Pablo Escobar was born in Rionegro, Colombia in His father was a farmer, and his mother was a schoolteacher. While the Escobar family was in hiding, Pablo’s daughter, Manuela, got sick.
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