Richard Davies is CEO for cloud service provider ElasticHostswhich recently launched a white label reseller programme where can partners make money in the public cloud model channel players looking to enter the cloud market. Here he writes the first in a 3 part series of articles for MicroScope on the growing cloud opportunity. You forgot to provide an Email Address. This email address is already registered. Please login. You have exceeded the maximum character limit. Please provide a Corporate E-mail Address. Please check the box if you want to proceed. Life in the channel is not as it once. Hardware sales are rapidly declining, margins are being squeezed into non-existence, while customer expectations continue to rise. From an infrastructure perspective, traditional server sales used to be a simple transaction, where resellers could bank on providing a reliable service van demand with healthy margins to support their businesses. Today, end-users are technologically savvy, the internet has enabled them to find the best deal at the click of a mouse, and new developments such as virtualisation have added layers phblic complexity to the market. However, the big game changer has been cloud. A growing market. For businesses, there can be a lot to benefit from using cloud services.
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Bob Gault. As the world has moved to a cloud-based IT model, the rules of the game have changed. Within certain phases of the lifecycle, partners have sizable revenue opportunities, especially before and after the service selection phase. It starts with business drivers. Prospective cloud customers must determine what business model changes are required, the lines of business requirements that need to be considered, and what organizational changes may be necessary. Evaluating these business and financial aspects are key to consider in their cloud migration plan. Partners must help the customer determine what is most important in making their journey to cloud and how to build a practice around that initial phase of the cloud adoption lifecycle. After going through a business case evaluation of cloud, customers must also consider their infrastructure requirements. The infrastructure assessment should answer questions such as: how will cloud impact fixed facilities? What will it do to mobile users? What is the knowledge level of the business stakeholders on the applications that move across the organization? What applications need to be enabled on the network?
What do you see as the best opportunities for making money in cloud marketplaces?
Managed services are a way to make money on the public cloud. Manon Buettner, CEO of Nuvalo ; Angela Hogaboom, founder and president of OpenSky Networks ; and Michelle Ruyle, CEO of Optimized Channel , will talk about how managed services can help partners get not only professional-services fees but also recurring commissions as they lead their clients into the cloud. The panel is presented by Cloud Girls. Buettner, Hogaboom and Ruyle all took time to answer a few questions about hyperscale cloud providers and the channel. The answers were edited for length. Channel Partners: What are the biggest challenges for indirect sellers when dealing with the largest cloud providers? Angela Hogaboom : The biggest challenge is identifying ways to monetize large provider services. Without knowing how to monetize, we become hesitant to offer these services and miss out on being involved in cloud initiatives. The way agents make money from the CSPs is through professional or managed services. Agent beware: Not all MSPs pay on professional services; however, all pay on managed services. CP: How do managed services enable indirect sellers to address these challenges? Log in with your Channel Partners account. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. CenturyLink scores massive federal task order that could benefit partners. SDWAN dlvr. Check out LogMeIn and Telarus in our latest weekly wrap. Windstream gets court approval for millions in top executive bonuses. UCC dlvr. What next-gen tech could change the game for partners this year? Anish Patel from TBImasteragent shares his though… twitter. Want to keep up with the hottest channel headlines? Our weekly online newsletter is for you. Register now! The company has big strategic and operating priorities for New products, court controversy and layoffs. North America is the most significant revenue contributor to the global market. Leave a comment Cancel reply -or- Log in with your Channel Partners account Alternatively, post a comment by completing the form below:.
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Looking for ways you can make money right now? If things are tight and your back is up against the wall, there’s a path forward.
In fact, there are. Especially when it comes to generating that income online. The best part? We’re so interconnected that there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of ways you can make money, almost immediately, from the comfort of your home.
What do you need? You might not even need a laptop for the most. A tablet or a smartphone might just suffice. And, of course, you do need an internet connection. A sound mind might help you as.
Along with the ability to stay focused and be persistent no matter what happens. So if you’re determined to generating some much-needed cash and you can’t wait weeks or months, then here’s what you need to. First off, don’t expect to snap your fingers and get rich. That isn’t what this article is.
Now, in general, making money on the internet can be boiled down into the following categories:. Selling products : You can sell all types of products on the internet. You don’t need a laptop.
But, a smartphone is crucial. You can source these products from places like Alibaba’s aliexpress. Selling services : Most people earn their money online by selling services. This can range from low-ticket services through sites like Fiverrto more expensive high-end services whsre Upwork or through your own coaching or consulting funnel. Do tasks for others : You can always do tasks for.
If you’re simply looking to make a quick buck and not have to wait or have to build an email list or a sales funnelthere are plenty of nake you can perform, right now, that will put money in your pocket. Selling information : Information products are huge. Massive, in fact. You could quite literally get rich selling information if pjblic know what you’re doing. If you’re a ninja online marketer, then you can expect. But, even if you’re not, there are ways to turn your ideas into stacks of so-called paper.
Leverage the sharing economy : Turn your existing assets into money right. Leverage your home or your car or your recreational vehicles, even, to make a bit of publoc quickly. The strategies that you’ll find below will help you make money either right now, within hours, or some within days or weeks. The truth? You’re not going to get rich employing these strategies overnight. But, if your back is against a proverbial wall, they might help you out of a bind, and fast.
Whether you’re looking to make money quickly or you’re okay with having it take a bit of time, stay persistent. You can’t snap your fingers and expect money to materialize. But, then clouf, if you teh on the right thoughts, you’ll eventually get where you need to go. Remember, mindset is. There are a variety of ways you can sell your products online.
Use Facebook ‘s marketplace for instance. You can also leverage eBay and sell things at auction. Plus, there’s always Craigslist. The trick? Use quality photography and great lighting. Build sensory-rich descriptions that entice people to purchase whatever it is that you’re selling. Amazon is a great way to unload used books. But, you can also sell a variety of other items on Amazon as.
You could opt to start an Amazon FBA. You could source products on Aliexpress and drop-ship them from Amazon. That gives you a near-hands-free method of running an ecommerce business without much of the hassles of personally dealing with returns and customer service. Why not build a full-blown Shopify ecommerce store? Create a niche and sell a variety of products directly on your store.
Advertise it using Facebook ads. There are an endless supply of blue-ocean niches that are far less competitive than some of the more crowded red-ocean ones that have spawned an endless sea of merchants vying for the consumer’s attention. Use ClickFunnels to build a free-plus-shipping offer.
Create a low-ticket front-end offer that will draw in the customers. On the csn step of the funnel, hit them with your core offer. After that? An upsell. Maybe a down-sell if they don’t take. Maybe even a high-ticket up-sell at the very end. Once you get the hang of sales funnels, the sky really is the limit. If you’re looking for a quick fix, sell gigs on Fiverr.
Everyone knows about the gig economy. It’s evolved over the years. And today, they’re not just five-dollar gigs that you’re selling. But, you need to build credibility. Deliver real value. Go out of your way. Get stellar reviews.
And only. Can you really kick things into high gear. Upwork and 99Designs are great ways to sell higher-ticket services. If you’re a seasoned web developer, designer or have skills in other arenas such as the law or accounting or elsewhere, try your hand here to make a bit of money quickly. You will need some sort of track record. But, if you have existing clients, cloue them to retain you here so that you can thd up your online credibility quicker.
Another way to make money now would be to sell high-ticket coaching or consulting services. If you’re an expert in a particular arena, sell your services. If you understand business, coach entrepreneurs. If you understand finances, help people navigate their debt and expenses, maybe even their investments.
Want to make some serious money? Manage social media. Wheer SEO. Run Facebook ads and other paid ads on YouTube or Google for instance.
There is loads of money to be made if you know what you’re doing. If you can attain huge conversion rate s, then people will happily pay you a hefty percentage of moneey ad spend. Use a service like rover.
Offer up your services and go out of your way to make clients happy. Build up credibility and rapport. Get raving-fan reviews and you won’t have a problem making money quickly no matter what day of the week or month it might be. Great with kids? Want to be a nanny? Maybe a daycare professional? Use a website like care. Use can also use the site, along with many others out there, to find work as a housekeeper and even a senior care giver. Take up menial tasks on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform.
They’re micro-gigs. Small tasks that don’t pay .
How to Make Money on the Internet
Advanced Search. The Cranky Admin. Companies that sell, support, manage and maintain computer systems face an existential threat from public cloud computing providers. If the organizations that buy hardware, software and services from them move all their workloads into the public cloud, what role remains for the companies that make up what we have traditionally called «the channel,» and how does this impact IT practitioners? Disties set up partnerships directly with vendors, buying publif and software from. Most vendors sell into the channel through disties, though some either bypass the channel or compete with it by selling directly to end customers. Dell is one example of a company with a complicated channel relationship. Everyone else in the channel is downstream of the disties. VARs buy hardware and software from the disties, then «integrate». This integration — the «value add» portion of VAR — is usually taking multiple hardware and software components then installing, configuring publi testing them to ensure everything works. MSPs are usually the organizations that install the equipment on site, manage and maintain it over time and otherwise act as an outsourced IT department. A colo is a company that owns a datacenter. They have the square footage, power, cooling, fiber optic hookups and physical security to run hundreds or thousands of servers in a single facility. They rent out this capacity to those looking for space in a proper datacenter without building their. CSPs are companies that own a bunch of equipment and rent out slices of that equipment in a self-service fashion. You can light up a whole bare metal box or just a single VM. Whereas the big public parrtners providers have datacenters scattered around the world dedicated to hosting millions of workloads, CSPs tend to be more regional in their focus. Colos and CSPs are closely linked, and often the same organization. If you own a colo, why not toss some boxes in there and start selling off some capacity? And if you want to start your own CSP, why build your own datacenters to start?
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