The earthworm—once regarded as a mere creepy-crawler found on the road after a nice soft rain—has risen in status. This underground creature now often dwells in bins, barrels, washtubs, and other containers. There, it gives many people a new lease on life by putting bread on their tables and clothes on their backs As Doris puts it: «I never thought the earthworm would be just about my best friend, but it is. When my husband had to retire from the construction business because of a bad asthmatic condition we were faced with a real problem: What kind of work could he do that would fully support us and yet not be too hard? Then, since there are at least 90 million fishermen in the United Earthwotms us—we decided that raising earthworms to sell for bait might be just what the doctor ordered. The Hubbells started their new «farm» with four 4′ X 7′ bins of red hybrid earthworms. Today Doris Mr. Hubbell was killed in an auto earthwroms two years ago, and until recently—when Doris decided to go into partnership with Art Muzzin of Sacramento—she operated the business alone keeps bins, and her customers come from near and far to buy her «livestock» and the fertilizer it produces. The red hybrid earthworm which saved the day for the Hubbells should not be confused with the everyday angleworm. The hybrid is a real moneymaker The creature is very adaptable to widely varying climates and conditions and maks not become restless and crawl away if it’s provided with adequate food and moisture. Like the ordinary angleworm, the hybrid is bisexual It can—upon mating with another of its species—produce an egg capsule every seven to ten days.
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Few opportunities arise in life that offer the possibility of teaching, learning, giving back, being environmentally friendly all the while earning an income in the process like worm farming. At one point in the past, worm farming was more of a hobby than a career. The niche was extremely tiny: people raised worms to sell to bait shops for fishing. With a renewed environmental focus that has spread globally, worm farming is gaining popularity as well as a foothold in the world of legitimate business endeavors. With the bare minimum of start up costs, you can start a worm farm for profit quickly, easily and definitely on the cheap. To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 5 references. David Martinez. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. It also received 26 testimonials from readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Provide the optimum location and environment. If you don’t mind cohabiting with the crawling critters, your basement is one of the most optimal of environments for a thriving worm suburb. A warm, dark and dry environment is best; however, worms are fairly hardy and can withstand temperatures in the range of 40 — 80 F 4 — 27 C. You will also want to keep them out of the hot, direct sunlight. If you insulate the container well enough, they can survive in colder temperatures, but you must not neglect their care.
Selling Worms For Profit(A Simple Micro-Business)
Selling worms can be a great micro-business, especially when starting out on your financial journey. When I was an apprentice electrician looking to make a little on the side, I set up a few worm powered revenue machines. Worms do all of this, and the startup costs can be absolutely free! Selling worms can be a great way to get a head-start on taking control of your finances. Worms are an integral part of nearly any ecosystem. This organic matter includes things like leaves, food scraps, and animal waste. Basically, they take the leftovers that nothing wants and turn it into useful materials. We are able to exploit this fact to build a business around turning free waste into sellable products not just selling worms themselves. Selling worms, worm tea or worm castings can bring in extra income while filling a niche in your local community. Read on to learn how to build this side hustle into a profitable income stream. All of these things are highly prized by those who seek them. Selling worms is one thing, but gardeners looking for bigger crops love to buy castings by the bag-full. And they can go for a lot. Fishers are always after the fattest, juiciest worms to catch the largest of fish. Likewise, aquarists love to purchase worms of all sizes to feed to their freshwater tank fish for a protein boost. If you have chickens, worms can provide a great source of additional protein, which in turn produce protein-rich eggs for human consumption. The point is, all of these products can be sold or used. With their low set up cost and ease of running, anybody can turn a profit as a worm farmer, how much you make is all up to you. The most basic system is basically a container with small drainage holes, with a few worms and some material for them to consume. If you want to get more advanced, you can use a stacking system, and rotate the containers as they fill up. You can even add a catchment tray to the bottom and collect a liquid worm tea, a by-product from the decomposition process. Setting up a worm farm can be a creative and absolutely free endeavor, utilizing scrap materials and waste products. You can always start small and scale up over time, which is always an awesome thing to do. After the great bathtub heist a story for another time , I had two scavenged bathtubs on wooden frames full of worms going, hah.
Is There a Market For Earthworms?
No doubt this is an excellent post I got a lot of knowledge after reading good luck. Theme of blog is excellent there is almost everything to read, Brilliant post. Accountant in Key West. Wednesday, April 29, Market Your Earthworms. Sell Your Worms! This post covers 6: Poor Marketing. There’s no doubt about it. You will continue to have worms up to your armpits if you don’t do the next single most important thing in a worm farm or any business: Market your product. Marketing simple means getting the word out that you have worms, getting the word out to the right people, knowing where to get the word out, and knowing the right words to get out. You have to find the buyers, sell those buyers, and sell those buyers what they need. You can sell your worms locally and you can sell them online. You may find most of your sales are online once you get a website up and traffic flowing. This can take a little time, but it will probably be the biggest source of sales. However, selling locally may be your best market, depending on where you live. If you live in an area with lots of lake and waterways with good fishing, you have a built in customer base. You have two ways to go. You can sell directly to the fishermen. You can sell to bait shops.
An earthworm is a tubular, segmented worm of the phylum Annelida. They occur worldwide and are commonly found in soil, eating live and dead organic matter. An earthworm’s digestive system runs the length of its body. It respirates through its skin. It has a double transport system made of coelomic fluid that moves ,oney the fluid-filled coelom and a simple, closed circulatory.
It has a central and a peripheral nervous. Its central nervous system consists of two ganglia above the mouth, one on either side, connected to a nerve running along its length to motor neurons and sensory cells in each segment. Large numbers of chemoreceptors concentrate near its mouth. Circumferential and longitudinal muscles edging each segment let the worm. Similar sets of muscles line the gut, and their actions move digesting food toward the worm’s anus.
Earthworms are hermaphrodites : each carries male and female sex organs. As invertebrates, they lack a true skeletonbut maintain their structure with fluid-filled coelom chambers that function as a hydrostatic skeleton.
Miney classical systems, they were in the order Opisthopora, since the male pores opened posterior to the female pores, although the internal male segments are anterior to the female. Theoretical cladistic studies have placed them in the suborder Lumbricina of the order Haplotaxida, but this may soon change.
Folk names for the earthworm include «dew-worm», «rainworm», «night crawler», and «angleworm» from its use as fishing bait. Larger terrestrial earthworms are also called megadriles translates to «big worms»opposed to the microdriles «small worms» in the mqke families TubificidaeLumbricidaeand Enchytraeidae.
The megadriles are characterized by a distinct clitellum more extensive than that of microdriles and a vascular system with true capillaries. From front to back, the basic earthworns of the earthworm is a cylindrical tube, divided into a series of segments called metamerisms that compartmentalize the body. Furrows are generally [4] externally visible on the body demarking the segments; dorsal pores and nephridiopores exude a fluid that moistens and protects the worm’s surface, allowing it to breathe.
Except selliny the mouth and anal segments, each segment carries bristlelike hairs called lateral setae [5] used to anchor parts of the body during movement; [6] species may have four pairs of setae on each segment or more than eight sometimes forming a complete circle of setae per segment. Generally, within a species, the number of segments found is consistent across specimens, and individuals are born with the number of segments they will have throughout their lives.
The first body segment segment number 1 features both the earthworm’s mouth and, overhanging the mouth, a fleshy lobe called the prostomiumwhich seals the entrance when the worm is at rest, eslling is also used to feel and chemically sense the worm’s surroundings. Some species of earthworm can even use the prehensile prostomium to grab and drag items such as grasses and leaves into their burrow.
An adult earthworm develops a belt-shaped glandular swelling, called the clitellumwhich covers several segments toward the front part of the animal. This is part of the reproductive system and produces egg capsules. The posterior is most commonly cylindrical like the rest of the body, but depending on the species, may also be quadrangular, octagonal, trapezoidal, or flattened. The last segment is called the periproct ; the earthworm’s anus, a short vertical slit, is found on this segment.
The exterior of an individual segment is selking thin moeny over skin, eathworms pigmented red to brown, which has specialized cells that secrete mucus over the cuticle to keep the body moist and ease movement through soil. Under the skin is a layer eartgworms nerve tissue, and two layers of muscles—a thin outer layer of circular muscle, and a much thicker inner layer of longitudinal muscle.
The segments are separated from each other by septa the plural mmake «septum» [9] which are perforated transverse walls, allowing the coelomic fluid to pass between segments.
This tubule then leads to the ewrthworms body fluid filtering organ, the nephridium or metanephridium, which removes metabolic waste from the coelomic fluid and expels it through pores called nephridiopores on the worm’s sides; usually two nephridia sometimes more are found in most segments.
The CNS consists of a bilobed brain cerebral gangliaor supra-pharyngeal ganglionsub-pharyngeal ganglia, circum-pharyngeal connectives and a ventral nerve cord.
Earthworms’ brains consist of a pair of pear-shaped cerebral ganglia. These are located in the dorsal side of the alimentary canal in the third segment, in a groove between the buccal cavity and pharynx. A pair of circum-pharyngeal connectives from the brain encircle the pharynx and then connect with a pair of sub-pharyngeal ganglia earthwoms below the pharynx in the fourth segment.
This arrangement means the brain, sub-pharyngeal ganglia and the kake connectives form a nerve ring around the pharynx. The ventral nerve cord formed by nerve cells and nerve fibres begins at the sub-pharyngeal ganglia and extends below the alimentary canal to the most posterior body segment.
The ventral nerve cord has a swelling, or ganglion, in each segment, i. There are also three giant axonsone medial giant axon MGA and two lateral giant axons LGAs on the mid-dorsal side of the ventral nerve cord. The MGA is maje. The LGAs are slightly wider at 0. The mkae LGAs are connected at regular intervals along the body and are therefore considered one giant axon. The sympathetic nervous system consists of nerve plexuses in the epidermis and alimentary canal. A plexus is a web of connected nerve cells.
The nerves that run along the body wall pass between the outer circular and inner longitudinal muscle layers of the wall. They give off branches that form the intermuscular plexus and the subepidermal plexus. These nerves connect with the circumpharyngeal connective. On the surface, crawling speed varies both within and among individuals. Earthworms crawl faster primarily by taking longer «strides» and a greater frequency of strides. Larger Lumbricus terrestris worms crawl at a greater earthwoorms speed than smaller worms.
They achieve this by taking slightly longer strides but with slightly lower stride frequencies. Touching an earthworm, which causes a «pressure» response as well as often a response to the dehydrating quality of the salt on human skin toxic to earthwormsstimulates slling subepidermal nerve plexus which connects to the intermuscular plexus and causes the longitudinal muscles to contract.
This causes the seling movements observed when a human picks up an earthworm. This behaviour is a reflex and does not require the Earthwotms it occurs even if the nerve cord is removed. Each segment of the earthworm has its own nerve plexus. The plexus of one segment is not connected mqke to that of adjacent segments. The nerve cord is required to connect the nervous systems of the segments. The giant axons carry the fastest signals along the nerve cord. These are emergency signals that earthwor,s reflex escape behaviours.
The larger dorsal giant axon conducts signals the fastest, from the rear to the front of the animal. If the rear of the worm is touched, a signal is rapidly sent forwards causing the longitudinal muscles in each segment to contract. This causes the worm to shorten very quickly as an attempt to escape from a predator or other potential threat. The two medial giant axons connect with each other and send signals from the front to the rear.
Stimulation of these causes the earthworm to very quickly retreat perhaps contracting moneyy its burrow to eartwhorms a bird. The presence of a nervous system is essential for an animal to be able to experience nociception or pain. However, other eartworms capacities are also required such as opioid sensitivity and central modulation of responses by analgesics.
Injections of naloxone an opioid antagonist inhibit the escape responses of earthworms. This indicates that opioid substances play a role in sensory modulation, similar to that found in many vertebrates.
Earthworms do not have eyes although some worms do makee, however, they do have specialized photosensitive cells called «light cells of Hess». These photoreceptor cells maek a central intracellular cavity phaosome filled with microvilli.
As well as the microvilli, there are several sensory cilia in the phaosome which are structurally independent of the microvilli. A relatively small number occurs on the eartbworms surface of the 1st segment. They are most numerous in the prostomium and reduce in density in the first three segments; they are very few in number past the third segment.
These receptors are abundant and distributed all over the epidermis. Each receptor shows a slightly elevated cuticle which covers a group of tall, slender and columnar miney cells.
These cells bear small hairlike processes at their outer ends and their inner ends are connected with nerve fibres. The epidermal receptors are tactile in function. They are also concerned with changes in temperature and respond to chemical stimuli. Earthworms are extremely sensitive to touch and mechanical vibration. These receptors are located only in the epithelium of the buccal chamber.
These receptors are gustatory and olfactory related to taste and smell. They also respond to chemical stimuli. The gut of the earthworm is a straight tube which extends from the worm’s mouth to its anus. It is differentiated into a alimentary earyhworms and associated glands which are embedded in the wall of make money selling earthworms alimentary canal. The alimentary canal consists of a mouth, buccal cavity generally running through the first one or two segments of the earthwormpharynx running generally about four segments in lengthesophagus, crop, gizzard usually and intestine.
Food enters at the mouth. The pharynx acts as seling suction pump; its muscular walls draw in food. In the pharynx, the pharyngeal glands secrete mucus.
Food moves into the esophagus, where calcium from the blood and ingested from previous meals is pumped in to maintain proper blood calcium levels in the blood and food pH. Sekling there the food passes into the crop swlling gizzard. In the gizzard, strong muscular contractions grind the food with the help of mineral particles ingested along with the food. Once through the gizzard, food sellinv through the intestine for digestion. The intestine secretes Pepsin to digest proteins, Amylase to digest polysaccharides, Cellulase to digest cellulose, and lipase to digest fats.
The intestine has its own pair of muscle layers like the body, but in reverse order—an inner circular layer within an outer longitudinal layer. Earthworms have a dual circulatory system in which both the coelomic fluid and a closed circulatory system carry the food, waste, and respiratory gases.
The closed circulatory system has five main blood vessels: the dorsal top vessel, which runs above the digestive tract; the ventral bottom vessel, which runs below the digestive tract; the makf vessel, which runs below the ventral nerve cord; and two lateroneural vessels on either side of the nerve cord. The dorsal vessel is mainly a collecting structure in the intestinal region.
It receives a pair commissural and dorsal intestinals in each segment. The ventral vessel branches off to nake pair of ventro-tegumentaries moeny ventro-intestinals in each segment.
Make $60K-$100K a Year By Growing Worms in Your Basement
Let’s Market Some Worms!
Simply stated, YES! Earthworms are valuable. New markets open up earthwormss for worms because a worldwide shortage exists. Redworms are a very simple creature to raise and care. Until recently, the earthworm market mak mostly limited to the fishing industry, providing bait literally billions of worms were dedicated to the job. Now, as ecological awareness grows, earthworms are also being used jake compost organic waste. Our landfills worldwide are being helped by the worms’ voracious appetite to compost. Universities and scientists alike are conducting studies to see just how helpful the effects of the worms can be. I would hazard to guess that the worm producing businesses that can support the quantity needed for these studies and larger composting markets will profit greatly from a monetary standpoint. The agriculture industry thrives on the use of worms as a way of rebuilding over-worked soil in fields as well as home gardens. These soils have been treated by commercial fertilizers and pesticides in the past. Those chemicals can improve plant growth, but do nothing to enrich the much needed soil nutrients, making the soil decline in quality and usability. Worms are little factories that produce high quality fertilizers from an organic waste load. You may want to raise earthworms for household or garden waste, producing organic fertilizer for your own use. You mmoney be an avid fisher person farthworms wants to use them as bait while selling them on a small or even large scale. Redworms can grow and reproduce under a wide array of conditions. You will have to find the method for you to use and then adapt it to what is practical for your situation. Know this: if you enjoy working with the natural things in life—if delling have an interest in watching monet grow and wouldn’t mind putting a few bucks in your pocket while doing it—growing redworms is absolutely for you, Most worm farmers find it quite easy, even if you have to get your hands dirty once in a .
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