Paying off your credit card on time each month is critical for maintaining a solid credit score and preventing late fees from piling up. For Discover card users, the simplest way to make a payment is to create a user account on the Discover website. If you prefer not to put your financial information online, you can also submit a payment through the mail in the form of a check or money order. To make a Discover card payment online, first visit discovercard. To learn how to make a Discover card payment by mail, read on! This article was co-authored by Michael R. Michael R. Lewis is a retired corporate executive, entrepreneur, and investment advisor in Texas. Categories: Credit Cards.
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A money order is a safe way to send money through the mail or to make payments to companies that have limited payment options. But, if all you have is a credit card, you’re probably wondering whether you can even use it to buy a money order. You can buy a money order with a credit card, but it’s not the smartest or least expensive option. Even though credit card issuers allow you to purchase money orders, there are some drawbacks that are important to consider. Because money orders are a type of guaranteed payment instrument that requires upfront cash, credit card issuers treat them as a cash equivalent transaction. These transactions are handled the same as a cash advance. Check out your credit card agreement and you’ll see the ways that cash advance transactions are far more expensive than purchases and even balance transfers. This impacts the amount of the money order you can purchase. Check your available cash advance limit to be sure you have enough room for the amount you need, especially if you already have a balance on the credit card you want to use. Your credit card issuer may not let you go over your limit, even if you’ve opted-in to having over-the-limit transactions processed. Consider the cash advance fee before purchasing a money order with a credit card. If you’re getting a cash advance for a large amount, for example, to pay your rent, the cash advance fee could get expensive. And that’s on top of any money order purchase fee the merchant charges. The fees can make buying a money order with a credit card very expensive. Like cash advances, the money order purchases will have a high interest rate and no grace period. The absence of a grace period eliminates opportunity to avoid a finance charges as you could with regular purchases. Since cash advance interest rates are higher than the rates for purchases the interest paid on a money order purchase higher than a regular purchase of the same amount. You can save on interest with a money order purchase by paying your balance off as quickly as possible — even before the due date. If you have another balance on your credit card, paying off the expensive money order will be tricky.
Can You Buy a Money Order With a Credit Card?
Credit Card Insider is an independent, advertising supported website. Credit Card Insider receives compensation from some credit card issuers as advertisers. Credit Card Insider has not reviewed all available credit card offers in the marketplace. Content is not provided or commissioned by any credit card issuers. Reasonable efforts are made to maintain accurate information, though all credit card information is presented without warranty. Credit Card Insider has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. Credit Card Insider and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. A list of these issuers can be found on our Editorial Guidelines. When you finally get to the front, the cashier offers you several payment options, including cash, debit, and credit. So the answer is yes, some merchants may allow you to buy a cash advance with a credit card, but it can be expensive. Here are several other things to keep in mind when you purchase a money order with a credit card:. Still convinced you want to buy a money order with a credit card? If you want to buy a money order from other locations, including gas stations, grocery stores, convenience stores, Walmart, Moneygram, and the U. To get any PenFed products, you must be a member of the credit union. Credit Card Insider receives compensation from advertisers whose products may be mentioned on this page. Advertiser relationships do not affect card evaluations. Advertising partners do not edit or endorse our editorial content. Content is accurate to the best of our knowledge when it’s published. Learn more in our Editorial Guidelines. The responses below are not provided or commissioned by bank advertisers. Responses have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by bank advertisers. If you reached your cash advance limit a portion of the total credit limit , would you still be able to ise that card to buy a money order at Western Union or ? What if you used a business cash card Ink by Chase for example? Would that simply be treated as a credit card. I do that at many places. What would be different about a business credit card compared to a consumer card here? Also, what credit card have you been able to process as debit? How Money Orders Work Money orders are similar to cash, only more secure because they designate a specific payee. Any amount paid over the minimum, however, usually goes to the highest APR — which would likely be your cash advance. Or you could purchase a money order with your debit card.
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Discover Card Help Center. Please mail your check to the address on the payment coupon at the bottom of your statement. Box Carol Stream, Illinois Note: Please remember to always pay with a personal check, cashier’s check or money order, and never send cash. Please write your account number on the «memo» line, and to avoid late fees, always allow 7—10 days for your payment to reach us. Your enrollment is effective immediately with your first withdrawal on your next available payment due date. The time it takes a payment to reach us depends on how it is handled by the bill payment service or bank. Some services, for example, process payment requests only once a day or once a week, while others process the requests electronically, but then send paper checks. Processing time may also be affected by weekends and bank holidays. To learn how your bill payment service or bank processes your payment requests, please contact them directly. Not registered for the Account Center? Register Now. Please note, all question links will open in the same page What are my options for making a payment to my Discover card account? What are my payment requirements? If I want to send a check to pay my bill, where should I send it? Can Ordr set up my payment so that it is automatically deducted from my personal bank account each month? Are there any convenience fees assessed with any of the payment methods offered? Noney far before my due date should I make discover payment with money order my payment if I use a bill payment service to pay my Discover card account? What are my options for making a payment to my Discover card discver
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