As a medium, print is incompatible with the blistering pace of change and new discoveries. Textbooks are outdated as soon as they go to press. So why should students fork out hundreds of dollars for des Throwing its, er, hat into the publishing business marks a big step for the company, which launched in with a web and mobile classroom response tool howw compete with physical hand-held clickers. It later added features that let professors create and distribute homework assignments. More than 90 percent of the pieces of digital content monfy in the marketplace are available for free. The company quietly launched the marketplace to a private how does top hat make money of users in fall Today, any professor with a Top Hat account can create coursepacks using an authoring platform that supports text, images, videos and interactive content such as live Twitter feeds and maps.
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One of the biggest challenges in higher education is the rising cost of textbooks and course materials. According to the United States Department of Labor, the cost of textbooks has increased by 1, per cent since 1. The U. Public Interest Research Group released a study that found 65 per cent of students decided against buying a textbook because it was expensive 2. Today, educators can have the best of both worlds. Top Hat Textbook helps professors improve learning outcomes with customizable, interactive, and affordable educational content. It enables educators to create, customize, assign, and track homework for students. With Top Hat, professors can author new or customize existing content, collaborate with other educators, and rest assured their students are engaging with up-to-date, high-quality interactive material. Educators can leverage the rest of the Top Hat platform to further improve the learning experience. When the entire platform is used together, professors are able to fully encourage and support student success by improving in-class engagement; provide affordable, up-to-date, and customizable content; and easily assess, grade, and analyze data about individual student performance. Top Hat has been used by more than 2. By providing free access to course material, Top Hat aims to break down the price barrier to a quality education by making widely available the next generation of textbooks that are affordable, high-quality, interactive, and customizable. Millions of students at leading North American colleges and universities use the Top Hat teaching platform. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved February 12,
Top Hat is an end-to-end educational software that helps teachers, professors, and educational institutions facilitate and enhance learning inside and outside the classroom. Top Hat allows educators to deliver engaging and active course experiences by producing content that can inspire students and motivate them to learn. The platform is built with easy-to-use and powerful tools that permit them to quickly prepare courses and educational resources like textbooks. There are also tools provided to automate classroom management processes such as attendance checking and test scoring. Top Hat makes it easy for educators to evaluate how their students are learning and mastering the educational content they are delivering. Top Hat is equipped with a tool that enables teachers to build an interactive learning environment, make classroom management activities a breeze, manage educational content and materials online, and evaluate student performance instantly. Let us explore these capabilities of the tool and find out how they move learning to the next level. Learning should always be a two-way process. This means professors and teachers must be able to deliver the educational content that their students need and students, in turn, should consume it in such a way that they are inspired and motivated to learn. They can comfortably voice out their opinions and thoughts about a lecture without the need to reveal their identities, vote on the responses of other students, and even respond using drawings. The classroom management tool ensures that all students are on the same page during classroom discussions and lectures, making learning a synchronous experience. Teachers can also collect responses from students in the middle of discussions and evaluate those responses to correct misconceptions.
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There is a free version of Top Hat. Top Hat does not offer a free trial. See additional pricing details for Top Hat below. Top Hat by Top Hat. Visit Website. Best For Top Hat makes teaching fun and effective for university and college professors. Energize your class by asking questions, starting discussions, and gauging student understanding all with one app. Product Details Top Hat is the 1 end-to-end higher education software app for professors and teaching faculty, that makes teaching fun and effective. Lectures become more engaging with Top Hat. Administer your course and streamline lecture prep, add interactive textbooks, create engaging questions through polling, choose from various interactive question types: multiple choice, word answer, numeric answer, fill-in-the-blank, matching, click-on-target, sorting and more.
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Show less Making your own top hat might seem difficult at first, but you can actually create a fairly simple yet durable version with just a few supplies and a couple of hours.
Keep reading to find out. To make a top hat, start by cutting out two large circles of sturdy, stiff fabric for the brim, two rectangles for the sides, and a smaller circle for the top of the hat. Then, stack the large circles on top of each other, sew them together around the edges, and cut out the center so that the hole fits the top of your head. Next, sew the rectangles together along the short sides to form a cylinder.
After turning all the how does top hat make money inside-out, sew the brim to one end of the cylinder and the small circle on to the other end. Finally, trim off any excess fabric and flip the hat right side-out. For tips on how to add a band around the brim of your hat, read on! To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 38, times. Categories: Hatmaking Millinery.
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By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Home Categories Hobbies and Crafts Crafts. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: March 29, Learn more Choose your material. Traditional top hat material is no longer doees, but there are several modern day alternatives you can choose.
When looking for a material to use, gravitate toward fabrics that are fairly stiff and heavy. Light, floppy material will produce a floppy hat. Craft felt is one of hop most popular options you can use. It is easy to find, affordable, easy to work with, and comes in a range of colors. Polar fleece [1] and tightly-woven wool are other possible options. Fosshape, [2] buckram, and plastic canvas can be a little harder to find and a little more expensive, but they also tend to be a little stiffer and may produce a more pleasing result when all is said and.
If you cannot find these materials in the color you want, you can paint or dye monet that color. Cut the brim pieces. You will need to cut out two round circles of equal proportions. The longest diameter of these circles should be about 15 inches 38 cm.
The brim pieces will be stacked and sewn together to create a double layer. This is done so that the brim has more structure and support. If you only use one piece of material for the brim, it may lack the structure it needs to be convincing. Cut the «flue» pieces. Hwt flue is the tall, chimney-like portion of the top hat that creates the signature look of the style.
You will need to cut out two rectangular flue pieces of equal proportions. Without this double layer, the top hat is likely to sink or fold over on itself once you place it on your head.
If you would like to create a more playful version of the top hat, you can also cut out separate bands in alternating colors to form the flue. Cut the top piece. You only need to cut out one piece of material for the top of the hat. Cut a circle that is 8 inches If you do not like the look of a single layer, however, you can double this part of the hat up, as well, by adding a second piece of equal har. Stack the brim pieces. Place the two brim pieces on top of each other, right sides facing in and wrong sides facing.
Pin in place. When you insert the straight pins, slide them into both layers around the shared edge. You need to use enough pins to prevent the two layers from moving around along the edge, since the edge is where you must sew the brim together to start. Make a circle in the center of the brim pieces. Use a fabric pencil or a piece of chalk to sketch out a smaller circle in the center of the larger brim circle.
This circle should be about as big around as the size of your head. This circle will eventually become the opening for your head, which is why it needs to be the same maek size. Use a tape measure to measure the circumference of your head to verify that the circle in the center of your brim piece matches. Usually, the inner circle will be about 6 inches Stitch together the brim pieces. Do not sew along the edge of the inner circle. When done, you should have a solid, round disk with a circle marked in the center.
Remove the pins as you sew or after you finish. Remove the center of the brim. Use sewing scissors or shears to cut alone the outline you marked at the center of the brim. Cut from the inside of the circle, not maake the mmake. If you have difficulty keeping the pieces from shifting or moving around at the center, you could remedy the situation by pinning around the outside of the drawn circle before cutting that circle.
Doing so should limit the amount of movement. Turn the brim inside-out. Pull the brim right-side out by turning it through the opening you created by cutting out the center of the brim. Iron flat, if possible, so that the material is easier to work.
Sew the remaining portion of the brim. Stitch up the open center of the brim using a sewing machine or needle and thread.
As before, if you find that the fabric around the center opening continues to move around, pin around the opening to restrict this movement. Stack the flue pieces. Place one flue piece on top of the other, with the wrong sides facing out and the right sides facing in. Pin. You need to pin around all four doees of the rectangle. Place the pins as close to the edge as possible to prevent the edges from coming loose as you sew. Sew the pieces. Sew around toop four sides of the two stacked pieces to create a double-layer piece to work.
Form the flue. Lightly fold the flue in half width wise and pin the edges. Sew along the joined edge using a sewing machine or needle. Do not iron or crease the fold. Ultimately, you will want this part of the hat to have a rounded shape, not a flat shape. The seam allowance will vary depending on how large your head is. The portion of the fabric leading up to the seam should be about half of the diameter of your brim opening, and when unfolded, this portion of the flue should be about the same size as that brim opening.
Release the fold of the flue and try to shape it with your fingers so that the flue shape, as a whole, forms a rounded shape. If there is a crease along the side you folded previously and you cannot get it out simply with your fingers, you could try placing the flue over a round vase, lamp, or similar object to stretch it in that circular shape.
Remove the crease by applying steam with your iron. Place the flue on the top or «lid» piece. Place the lid piece wrong-side up hay your working surface and set the flue wrong-side out on top. Pin the pieces together as close to the edge as possible to prevent them from wiggling apart. Sew. Sew the dods to the lid using a sewing machine or needle. Turn the flue and top right-side foes once the two pieces have been attached.
Line the flue up with the brim.
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Sounds wonderful, right? Read on for why I think Top Hat moneey a terrible idea for education, both with objections to the general pedagogical technique, but also with strong objections to how Top Hat conducts its business. I understand you tend to teach Introduction to Statistics, I would love to learn more about your teaching style to see if Top Hat is something that could benefit you. The reason why I am reaching out to you personally is I work with a few professors that teach a very doees course and wanted to share some insights on how they are leveraging Top Hat on campus to increase student engagement, boosting participation, quizzing and getting instant feedback. Would love to connect sometime this week or next to see if this is something that could add any value to your courses or not. But okay, lots of companies use automatically generated e-mails to how does top hat make money sales. My students already have their phones in their hands, they are probably looking at them in makee, so why not turn that into to; useful? To be blunt, this sounds like a comment how does top hat make money by someone who has never actually used a modern smartphone. Giving them an additional reason to have a phone in front of them strikes me as a terrible idea. Switching to Top Hat to hit a button, then switching back to Facebook takes all of two seconds—this is just giving students an excuse to pull out their phones without feeling guilty about it. Sorry, Top Hat, but this is a horrible idea. I believe that, as doess, our role is to foster a desire to learn. We howw that by being innovative, interesting, receptive in and out of lectures. The fact that they push it so hard makes me highly hesitant to use it, even if it did fit with my own teaching style.
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